[ATTW-L] Survey Invitation

jpaudel jpaudel at miners.utep.edu
Fri Nov 18 07:00:11 UTC 2022

Dear Undergraduate Composition/Writing Directors, I am Jagadish Paudel, currently pursuing a Ph. D. in Rhetoric and Composition Studies at The University of Texas at El Paso, USA. I am writing this email to invite you to participate in my doctoral dissertation project. In my dissertation, I plan to examine and explore three distinct ways of enacting social justice in multilingual undergraduate composition classes (e.g., first-year composition/writing, technical communication/writing, professional communication/writing, etc.,): 1). Policies; 2). Pedagogical practices (in terms of syllabi, teaching contents, assignments, assessments, and classroom pedagogy); and 3). multilingual students’ felt experiences in their writing classes from a social justice perspective. I am asking you to participate in a brief participants’ recruitment survey and interview study. Participation in this study is voluntary. If you would like to participate in the participants’ recruitment survey, please click on the survey link (the link is placed at the end of this email) and fill out the survey form, which will involve you in a roughly 10-minute survey. On the survey form, there are two sections: The Demographic Section, and the Social Justice Parameters Section. In the survey, you can indicate if you are willing to be interviewed. If you are willing, we will schedule online zoom interviews at your convenience. Before the interview, you will also be provided with additional information, including an informed consent document, and interviews will be arranged according to your schedules and preferences. Besides you, I am seeking to involve two writing instructors who teach undergraduate-level writing courses at your university, in my study from your program. To recruit the instructors, I will use the same survey link. To invite the writing instructors to participate in my study, I need at least five writing instructors’ email addresses. I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me by providing at least five instructors’ email addresses (please email me at jpaudel at miners.utep.edu), who teach writing courses (e.g., First-year Writing, Technical Communication/Writing, Professional Communication/Writing, etc.) in your program.  If you have any questions concerning this research study, please email me at jpaudel at miners.utpe.edu . I appreciate your help very much and thank you in advance! https://utep.questionpro.com/t/CvCtzZuKaeF?   Sincerely, Jagadish Paudel Ph.D. Candidate in RWS Program     __________________________________________________________________________ This email was sent to attw-l at attw.org on behalf of: jpaudel The University of Texas at El Paso Unsubscribe: https://www.questionpro.com/a/ehsusub?t=bGl2hZMJGtDEwWOVZWJ9Wz//gWgAU7hNKMyTcc9ozJP0ugzfaH7VEJ37JcM0nKpGNgCu9qk7cMhtsKGDlTBjdTL%2BO1x6rVdYbdDthRzECFU%3D Report Abuse: https://www.questionpro.com/a/rptabuse/MS02MjU0Mjc0NTQtMzYzNjgyNi03Njc4NjY3NjEtMTA0NTEzMDI=
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