[ATTW-L] Communications job at the Kentucky Geological Survey

Cagle, Lauren E. lauren.cagle at uky.edu
Fri Sep 9 19:09:12 UTC 2022

Hello colleagues!

My frequent and very awesome collaborators at the Kentucky Geological Survey here on campus (they're a unit under the Vice President for Research's Office) are hiring a Communications Officer: https://ukjobs.uky.edu/postings/418225. The application deadline is Sep. 19.

They're looking for someone to do a variety of communications work: stakeholder engagement, social media management, and interfacing with researchers. Would you pass this along to any recent undergrads, graduate students, or anyone else you think might be interested?

Thank you so much!


Lauren E. Cagle, PhD

Associate Professor | Writing, Rhetoric, & Digital Studies, University of Kentucky<https://wrd.as.uky.edu/>

Program Faculty | Environmental and Sustainability Studies, University of Kentucky<https://ens.as.uky.edu/about-faculty>

Affiliate Faculty | Appalachian Studies Program, University of Kentucky<https://appalachiancenter.as.uky.edu/about-studies>

Director & Co-Founder | Kentucky Climate Consortium<https://www.research.uky.edu/climate-consortium>

Pronouns: she/her/hers

University of Kentucky

1351 Patterson Office Tower

lauren.cagle at uky.edu

(859) 257-1115
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