[ATTW-L] NEW: Spring '23 issue of the Journal of Response to Writing!

Katherine O'Meara kat.daily.omeara at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 13:00:00 UTC 2023

We are pleased to announce the Spring 2023 issue
<https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/vol9/iss1/7/> (9.1) of the *Journal
of Response to Writing*! This issue includes one featured article and four
teaching tips. You can skim the titles and authors (and find the links)

Importantly, this is *JRW*'s last full "book"-style publication. Moving
forward, we will be sharing manuscripts in a continuous (rolling)
publication style. We hope this shift will allow authors to see their work
in print in a more timely manner, and readers to find new treasures every
time they access our site <https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/>.

We are always accepting featured and teaching articles, teaching tips, and
book reviews. Check out the Submission Guidelines and Policies
<https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/policies.html> page for genre
details; complete the survey to register as a *JRW *reviewer
and follow us on Facebook
<https://www.facebook.com/JournalofResponsetoWriting/>, Instagram
<https://www.instagram.com/journal_rw/>, and Twitter
<https://twitter.com/Journal_RW>--we'll be sharing highlights of all this
issue's publications over the next few weeks.

Betsy Gilliland & Kat O'Meara, co-editors

*JRW 9(1) - Spring 2023*
*Full Issue 9(1)* <https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/vol9/iss1/7/>

Spring 2023 Editorial Introduction
Betsy Gilliland and Kat O'Meara

*Featured Article:*
Written corrective feedback and learner engagement: A case study of a
French as a second language program
Maria-Lourdes Lira-Gonzales and Antonella Valeo

*Teaching Tips:*
Teaching Students to Close Read Feedback
Kristen Starkowski

*Resisting the Deficit Model: Embedding Writing Center Tutors during Peer
Review in Writing-Intensive Courses
<https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/vol9/iss1/4>*Stephanie B. Conner
and Jennifer P. Gray

Teaching Students How to Give and Receive Peer Review Feedback
Megan Heise

Stylizing Peer Feedback through Playful Shells
Wei-Hao Huang
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