[ATTW-L] Technical Communication & Social Justice, early release of Issue 2.1

Savage, Gerald gjsavag at ilstu.edu
Wed Dec 27 22:07:28 UTC 2023

Technical Communication & Social Justice has published a tribute to Dr. Halcyon Lawrence, as well as an early access version of her article, "Technical and Professional Communicators as Advocates of Linguistic Justice in the Design of Speech Technologies" in the forthcoming Vol. 2, Issue 1. The rest of the issue, which constitutes the second half of the special issue on social justice and translation that began in Vol. 1, Issue 1, will be available in January 2024. Read this early access  release here: https://techcommsocialjustice.org/index.php/tcsj/issue/view/3<https://techcommsocialjustice.org/index.php/tcsj/issue/view/3>

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