[ATTW-L] Announcing a new, more informal publication avenue for Communication Design Quarterly!

Jordan Frith frithjh at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 19:08:13 UTC 2023

Hi all,
I've been working with *CDQ's *associate editor Amber Lancaster on
developing a new type of publication avenue for *CDQ *authors.
<https://cdq.sigdoc.org/submission-guidelines/> In essence, we wanted to
create a more informal publication option for people who may be working in
industry or are industry adjacent and want to share thoughts/developments
in a less formal style than the typical academic article. Consequently, we
created a new publication category called Field Perspectives & Industry
Insights. These articles are shorter, less academically focused, and could
cover everything from industry trends to reviews of new software relevant
to UX and tech comm. Anyways, we hope some of you are interested in
publishing through this new opportunity, and please feel free to share with
colleagues who might be interested in writing something shorter and less
formal than a traditional, full academic article.

Here's the description to save you a click :).

*Field Perspectives & Industry Insights.* Opinion-based articles about
topics in communication fields (UX, technical communication, communication
studies, rhetoric, etc.), including academic and industry issues. These
articles can be written in a less formal style than traditional academic
articles and may highlight or question trends, introduce the audience to
emerging technologies, advocate for changes in practice, or draw attention
to overlooked topics, to name a few possibilities. These articles do not
require abstracts and will go through editorial review rather than full
peer review. Please reach out to the associate editor (
Amber.Lancaster at oit.edu) about your idea before submitting a full article.
Field Perspectives & Industry Insights should be ~ 2,000-3,000 words long.


Jordan Frith, Ph.D.

Pearce Professor of Professional Communication

Clemson University

Pronouns: He/Him

Editor-in-Chief, *Communication Design Quarterly*

Editor, *The X-Series <https://parlorpress.com/pages/x-series>*, Parlor

My Google Scholar Profile

My personal website <https://jordanfrith.com/>
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