[ATTW-L] A huge congratulations to Avery Edenfield, Hailey Judd, Emmalee Fishburn, and Felicia Gallegos

Jordan Frith frithjh at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 16:44:31 UTC 2023

Hi all,
I'm emailing as the editor of *Communication Design Quarterly (CDQ) *to
share the fantastic news that Avery Edenfield, Hailey Judd, Emmalee
Fishburn, and Felicia Gallegos's *CDQ *article was awarded a gold medal in
the 2022-2023 NASPA Excellence Awards in the (long-winded) category of
Campus Security, Crisis Management, Student Conduct, and Community
Standards Violence Prevention category. Their article is titled "Unlikely
Allies in Preventing Sexual Misconduct: Student Led Prevention Efforts in a
Technical Communication Classroom," and it's an excellent, important
analysis of  student-designed sexual misconduct prevention efforts.

Oh, and you can find the article in issue 9.4 of *CDQ*,
<https://cdq.sigdoc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/CDQ_9.4_2021.pdf> and
you can find the list of NASPA Excellence award winners here.

Join me in congratulating them for their excellent work!


Jordan Frith, Ph.D.

Pearce Professor of Professional Communication

Clemson University

Pronouns: He/Him

Editor-in-Chief, *Communication Design Quarterly*

Editor, *The X-Series <https://parlorpress.com/pages/x-series>*, Parlor

My Google Scholar Profile

My personal website <https://jordanfrith.com/>
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