[ATTW-L] Call for Papers: Journal of Business and Technical Communication special issue on Effects of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Technical Communication Pedagogy, Practice, and Research

Hocutt, Daniel dhocutt at richmond.edu
Mon Jul 31 12:33:16 UTC 2023

Hey Stephen!

Timely topic for this special issue. Thanks for taking it on!

It looks like you’re asking for completed pieces rather than proposals. Is that accurate? I’m budgeting my time between now and September 15 to determine if I can offer a contribution.


From: ATTW-L <attw-l-bounces at attw.org> on behalf of Stephen Carradini <sacarrad at asu.edu>
Date: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at 6:51 PM
To: "attw-l at attw.org" <attw-l at attw.org>
Subject: [ATTW-L] Call for Papers: Journal of Business and Technical Communication special issue on Effects of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Technical Communication Pedagogy, Practice, and Research

External Email: Use caution in opening links, attachments, and buying gift cards.

Hello Colleagues,

I'm happy to announce that I will be guest editing a special issue of the Journal of Business and Technical Communication entitled "Effects of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Technical Communication Pedagogy, Practice, and Research." This edition will feature articles of 1500-4000 words that create a collection of responses to the contemporary moment: the short breath after the rapid emergence of artificial intelligence tools. The turnaround time is similarly short. Articles are due September 15th for peer review. I hope you will consider submitting an article! The full CFP is attached to this email and available online here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eu7b55SL5KXGHMJBDGpehiOZYWbIRE88hNPmpFKfpLc/edit?usp=sharing>.

If you have any questions, please let me know! I am happy to answer them.

(Apologies for crossposting.)

Stephen Carradini

Dr. Stephen Carradini (he, him, his)
Assistant Professor
Technical Communication program
College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Arizona State University
7271 E. Sonoran Arroyo Mall, 251F
Mesa, AZ 85212-2780
Mail Code: 2780

phone: 480-727-3687
email: stephen.carradini at asu.edu<mailto:stephen.carradini at asu.edu>
web: https://stephencarradini.com

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