[ATTW-L] Johndan Johnson-Eilola

Kalmbach, James kalmbach at ilstu.edu
Wed Nov 15 16:30:55 UTC 2023

Johndan was a student of mine when he was an undergraduate at Michigan Tech. He was just as brilliant then. So full of promise.


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On Nov 15, 2023, at 10:12 AM, Barbara L'Eplattenier <bleplatt at ualr.edu> wrote:

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Oh how awful.  I've lost touch with Johndan but he was my professor at Purdue and showed me that it was possible to have a different path through academia.  What a horrible loss.

On Wed, Nov 15, 2023 at 10:05 AM Faber, Brenton <bdfaber at wpi.edu<mailto:bdfaber at wpi.edu>> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

Please see below, Johndan was a wonderful mentor, researcher, collaborator, and colleague. He was fabulously productive. He authored or edited seven books, more than 50 journal articles and book chapters, and two textbooks. His influence on his students and faculty colleagues was profound and lasting. He had a wonderful sense of humor, his work was innovative, challenging, and spanned many disciplines including rhetoric, design, technology, and philosophy. He will be deeply missed.

  *   brent


Sent on Behalf of the University and Our Department of Communication, Media & Design in the School of Arts & Sciences

Dear Clarkson Community,

It is with great sadness that I share that our colleague, Prof. Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Department Chair and Professor in the Department of Communication, Media & Design in the School of Arts & Sciences, passed away Sunday, November 12.

Our deepest condolences go to Prof. Johnson-Eilola’s daughter, Carolyn Eilola, his parents, his fiancée DeAnn Doll, and the many family, friends, and colleagues in his life. He was preceded in death by his wife, Kelly Johnson-Eilola in 2020.

Prof. Johnson-Eiloa joined the Clarkson community in 2000 and most recently served as Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication, Media & Design. Johndan was also the long-time Chair of Clarkson’s Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects Research (2011-2021), and served early on as Director of Clarkson’s Eastman Kodak Center for Excellence in Communication (2000-2004).

Prof. Johnson-Eilola gained international recognition for his contributions to finding intersections between practice and theory, and was considered an expert in hypertext theory and practice, online communities, and the politics of technology. During his career, he authored or edited seven books, two textbooks, and more than fifty journal articles and book chapters. He worked on research projects funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Science Foundation, the New York State Department of Education, Procter & Gamble, Apple Computer, Ford Motor Company, Hewlett-Packard, and others.

Grief counseling services are available to all members of the Clarkson Community as shared below. The Counseling Center invites members of the Clarkson Community to come together in Bertrand Snell Hall Room 346 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 14 to share memories, support each other, and/or write messages of condolences for Prof. Johnson-Eiola's family. Please be understanding of one another and do what you believe is best for you in connecting with others for support and expressing your grief.

With deepest sympathy,

Marc P. Christensen, Ph.D., P.E.

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