[ATTW-L] Term Faculty Position at Iowa State

Mackiewicz, Jo [ENGL] jomack at iastate.edu
Thu Sep 28 19:22:52 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues,

Please share the job description linked below with anyone who might be a good fit.

We’re looking for a colleague who can help us develop our tech comm major and can teach web and multimedia courses. The complete job ad is here:


Thank you, Jo
Jo Mackiewicz (“mack-uh-which” or “mack-uh-wits”)
Associate Chair for Faculty Development, English Department
Professor, Rhetoric and Professional Communication
Editor, Journal of Business and Technical Communication<https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jbt>
Iowa State University, 413 Ross Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1201
jomack at iastate.edu<mailto:jomack at iastate.edu>
Latest book: Welding Technical Communication: Teaching and Learning Embodied Knowledge<https://sunypress.edu/Books/W/Welding-Technical-Communication>

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