[ATTW-L] Spark volume 6 Call (30 April Proposal Deadline)

Don Unger dunger at olemiss.edu
Wed Apr 3 14:22:14 UTC 2024

Hello, everyone.

We are excited to announce that Spark volume 6, "CCCC at 75 Years: Engaging Our Abundant Past, Present, and Future," will be guest edited by Jennifer Sano-Franchini and Donnie Johnson Sackey.

Here's a link to the call: https://sparkactivism.com/volume-6-call/. (A PDF version is attached.)
The proposal deadline is 30 April 2024.

Kind regards,

Don Unger, PhD
Assistant Professor,
Department of Writing and Rhetoric,
University of Mississippi
dunger at olemiss.edu<mailto:dunger at olemiss.edu>

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