[ATTW-L] Reminder: Special Issue on Archives and AI: Theories, Methodologies, and Practices

Agboka, Godwin agbokag at uhd.edu
Wed Apr 3 23:11:12 UTC 2024

Dear ATTW Colleagues,

The deadline for proposals for the special issue of Technical Communication Quarterly on Archives and AI: Theories, Methodologies, and Practices<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://attw.org/tcq-special-issue-cfp/__;!!F8lEXw!8KVBWF8gMNA-1zMNsbYPsXB380oveZhqSBf4BvryRKurdOWPR-6cju-ex6XSULvnerGc3EwCNvtklG4oWA$> is fast approaching. We invite scholars, teachers, and practitioners in technical and professional communication (TPC) to re-engage in discussions about TPC archives especially as they continue to be reconfigured by automation and algorithmic culture. Submissions could document new, renewed, critical, and ethical approaches to archives in our field from practical and/or theoretical lenses. Please find the complete CFP here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://attw.org/tcq-special-issue-cfp/__;!!F8lEXw!8KVBWF8gMNA-1zMNsbYPsXB380oveZhqSBf4BvryRKurdOWPR-6cju-ex6XSULvnerGc3EwCNvtklG4oWA$>. It is also attached as a PDF file.

Please email 500-word proposals to G. Edzordzi Agbozo (agbozog at uncw.edu) and Godwin Y. Agboka (agbokag at uhd.edu) by April 15, 2024. We also welcome questions and project ideas as you prepare your proposals.

Godwin and Edzordzi


Godwin Y. Agboka, Ph.D. (he/him/his)
Professor of Technical Communication
Co-Founder, Technical Communication & Social Justice
Department of English
University of Houston-Downtown
One Main Street, S-1035
Houston, TX 77002
Phone: 713-223-7920
Email: mailto:agbokag at uhd.edu


 "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."--Martin Luther King Jr.



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