[ATTW-L] juror questionnaire

Dragga, Sam Sam.Dragga at ttu.edu
Tue Apr 9 17:40:51 UTC 2024

For a noteworthy example of a questionnaire, see the 42-item juror questionnaire to be given to potential jurors in People v. Trump Ind. No. 71543-2023 (i.e., the New York hush money case).

The juror questionnaire is available at https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/Letter-re-jury-selection-4-8-24.pdf on pages 11-17 of the judge’s April 8 letter to attorneys in the case regarding jury selection.

As the judge explains on page 6,

“The Court has closely scrutinized all of the proposed questions submitted by both parties, including those which the parties have agreed to. Guided by settled legal authority and the requirements of the CPL [Criminal Procedure Law}, the Court has modified some questions and excluded others. The resulting questionnaire is broad and exhaustive. It consists of 42 numbered questions, many of which contain multiple sub-questions, covering all relevant areas of inquiry. Please note, there are no questions asking prospective jurors whom they voted for or intend to vote for, or whom they have made political contributions to. Nor are jurors asked about their specific political party registration, though the answer to that question may easily be gleaned from the responses to the other questions.”

Students (especially in legal writing courses) might enjoy completing the questionnaire themselves as well as discussing

  *   the wording/phrasing of questions
  *   the sequence of questions
  *   the reasons that specific questions were included
  *   other possible questions
  *   the reason(s) that other possible questions were excluded


Sam Dragga
Professor Emeritus
Texas Tech University
sam.dragga at ttu.edu

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