[ATTW-L] Fwd: Announcement: 9th Biannual Forum on Plain English at the University of Houston-Downtown, February 29, 2024

Natalia Matveeva nataliavmatveeva at gmail.com
Tue Feb 13 18:31:32 UTC 2024

Natalia Matveeva, matveevan at uhd.edu
9th Biannual Forum on Plain English at the University of Houston-Downtown,
February 29, 2024

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you and your students to participate in the 9th
Biannual Forum on Plain English organized by the Institute for Plain
English Research and Study (IPERS) at the University of Houston-Downtown.
The forum will take place via ZOOM on Thursday, February 29, 2024
(10am-3pm, Central). It aims to promote informed uses of Plain English
guidelines, which are writing standards recommended by several government
agencies for improved communications with the general public. The event is
free of charge.

Professor Michael Blasie is the nation’s foremost expert on plain language
laws and an Assistant Professor at Seattle University Law School. He served
as a keynote speaker at the 2023 international plain language conference.
He authored United States Plain Language Laws, the first book to analyze
all US plain language laws.

Professor Blasie is a nationally and internationally recognized legal
writing expert. As a National Judicial College writing instructor, he
teaches judges. He presents internationally, including in Argentina, India,
Kazakhstan, and Turkey. He graduated from Hamilton College and NYU Law
School, practiced law for ten years, and served as a law clerk for Judge
David Richman.

Our one-day forum will address the following topic:

   - How Laws Can Help and Hurt Plain Language in Legal Documents

For the program, see the flyer:

*Date and Time*: 10a.m.-3p.m. (Central), Thursday, February 29, 2024

*Location*: ZOOM (The link will be sent via email. Please register using
the link below.)

*Registration Deadline*: Monday, February 26, 2024

Register for the forum using our online registration:

Please provide your working email address so that we could contact you with
the link to the ZOOM session.

*Sponsors and Supporters*: This program is made possible by the College of
Humanities and Social Sciences and the Institute for Plain English Research
and Study (IPERS) at UHD.

*Contact Information*: If you have any questions, please email us at
matveevan at uhd.edu. We are looking forward to seeing you at the forum.


Natalia Matveeva, Ph.D.

Professor, Corporate Communication

Communication Studies

Co-director, Institute for Plain English Research and Study (IPERS)

Department of Arts and Communication

University of Houston-Downtown

(713) 222-5371

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