[ATTW-L] [External] Adobe and students question

Selber, Stuart selber at psu.edu
Fri Feb 2 20:08:58 UTC 2024

Same here. We don’t distinguish between residential and online for software access.


Stuart A. Selber

Professor of English and Director of Digital Education

Penn State University | Department of English


selber at psu.edu<mailto:selber at psu.edu>



On Feb 2, 2024, at 3:04 PM, Tharon Howard <THARON at clemson.edu> wrote:

We’re fortunate here at Clemson because any individual with a valid student, faculty, or staff userid has full access to the entire Adobe Creative Suite. They can access and download the software from any location, so it’s available to online students.  See https://ccit.clemson.edu/services/software-hardware/software/web-downloads/.


From: ATTW-L <attw-l-bounces at attw.org<mailto:attw-l-bounces at attw.org>> On Behalf Of Robert Terry
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2024 2:33 PM
To: Barbara L'Eplattenier <bleplatt at ualr.edu<mailto:bleplatt at ualr.edu>>
Cc: attw-l at attw.org<mailto:attw-l at attw.org>
Subject: Re: [ATTW-L] [External] Adobe and students question

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For our online students, we have licenses that cover installing it; however, if they have equipment that can't run it, we use virtual labs so they can remotely run the software (I believe via a version of Citrix). For some software, like Premiere Pro, this is actually a better solution for most students because a significant portion of our virtual lab equipment uses more powerful GPUs than they are likely to have at home, and the performance/user experience is overall very good, with some small issues. Some students struggle setting it up, but our IT help desk provides support.

My understanding is that in this case, the software is licensed based on running on the lab computer, even if the students are accessing it remotely. You may want to check with your campus IT to see if they have anything similar that remote students can use.

Robert Terry, PhD
Associate Professor, Professional and Technical Writing
Department of English
Georgia Southern University - Armstrong Campus
Pronouns: he/him/per


On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 12:54 PM Barbara L'Eplattenier <bleplatt at ualr.edu<mailto:bleplatt at ualr.edu>> wrote:
Hello all:

My department is gathering information about getting students access to Adobe Acrobat in their classes.  We have a campus wide license that allows faculty and staff to put adobe on university issued computers which includes labs, but we do nothing for our online students--which is a majority of our students.

How do y'all handle it?  Do you just tell students to suck it up and buy the year long subscription?  Any suggestions and examples would be most welcome, as I'd like to talk to TPTB about this.


Dr. Barbara L'Eplattenier  she / her / hers
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