[ATTW-L] ***SPAM*** Re: [External] Re: [External] Adobe and students question

Barbara L'Eplattenier bleplatt at ualr.edu
Sun Feb 4 19:54:50 UTC 2024

Sadly, the course explicity teaches indesign for large document creation,
so non-Adobe stuff won’t work.

Dr. Barbara L'Eplattenier  she / her / hers
Book an appointment <https://calendar.app.google/af1MRDo1UpFz8ffo6>

*Ask me about off-campus opportunities such as a Fulbright, Rhodes, Gates,
or/and TWC internship for students!*
Professor, Department of Rhetoric and Writing
2801 S. University Ave
Little Rock AR 72204-1099

On Sat, Feb 3, 2024 at 11:07 PM Joseph Robertshaw <jwr0015 at uah.edu> wrote:

> I have found that I can achieve many of the same pedagogical goals by
> asking my students to use Adobe DC Reader, HelpNdoc, or other free software.
> Here I do not have access to the Adobe Suite even for my office computer
> but we do have access to it in our classroom labs. Outside the classroom I
> try to fine OER and Freeware whenever I can.
> Best,
> *Joseph W. Robertshaw, Ph.D. (he/him)*
> *Lecturer, The University of Alabama in Huntsville*
> *Room 271 Morton Hall*
> On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 2:47 PM Barbara L'Eplattenier <bleplatt at ualr.edu>
> wrote:
>> Thank you all for this info; I've gathered it up to present to our IT
>> group about possible ways to address this.
>> Barb
>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 2:11 PM Sean Williams <seanwilliams at asu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Arizona State University is likewise lucky to offer the Creative Suite
>>> to all our students for free. Students must request access, but it’s
>>> available (and can also be integrated into courses more seamlessly by our
>>> central instructional design group).
>>> https://tech.asu.edu/adobe-creative-cloud
>>> SDW
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>> Sean D. Williams, PhD
>>> Professor and Director, School of Applied Professional Studies
>>> Arizona State University
>>> seanwilliams at asu.edu / (o) 602.496.2790
>>> *From:* ATTW-L <attw-l-bounces at attw.org> *On Behalf Of *Tharon Howard
>>> *Sent:* Friday, February 2, 2024 1:05 PM
>>> *To:* Robert Terry <rterry at georgiasouthern.edu>; Barbara L'Eplattenier <
>>> bleplatt at ualr.edu>
>>> *Cc:* attw-l at attw.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: [ATTW-L] [External] Adobe and students question
>>> We’re fortunate here at Clemson because any individual with a valid
>>> student, faculty, or staff userid has full access to the entire Adobe
>>> Creative Suite. They can access and download the software from any
>>> location, so it’s available to online students.  See
>>> https://ccit.clemson.edu/services/software-hardware/software/web-downloads/
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ccit.clemson.edu/services/software-hardware/software/web-downloads/__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dGaF2aWo5kWpv8GAJF3i5cGnZwfIiLM838TzpG0y_O_I_Dwrqqodzzgn0G1YMn3B8gZzmk83cvVgysxYM5qs$>
>>> .
>>> Tharon
>>> *From:* ATTW-L <attw-l-bounces at attw.org> *On Behalf Of *Robert Terry
>>> *Sent:* Friday, February 2, 2024 2:33 PM
>>> *To:* Barbara L'Eplattenier <bleplatt at ualr.edu>
>>> *Cc:* attw-l at attw.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: [ATTW-L] [External] Adobe and students question
>>> *This Message Is From An External Sender:* Use caution when opening
>>> links or attachments if you do not recognize the sender.
>>> For our online students, we have licenses that cover installing it;
>>> however, if they have equipment that can't run it, we use virtual labs so
>>> they can remotely run the software (I believe via a version of Citrix). For
>>> some software, like Premiere Pro, this is actually a better solution for
>>> most students because a significant portion of our virtual lab equipment
>>> uses more powerful GPUs than they are likely to have at home, and the
>>> performance/user experience is overall very good, with some small issues.
>>> Some students struggle setting it up, but our IT help desk provides
>>> support.
>>> My understanding is that in this case, the software is licensed based on
>>> running on the lab computer, even if the students are accessing it
>>> remotely. You may want to check with your campus IT to see if they have
>>> anything similar that remote students can use.
>>> Robert Terry, PhD
>>> Associate Professor, Professional and Technical Writing
>>> Department of English
>>> Georgia Southern University - Armstrong Campus
>>> Pronouns: he/him/per
>>> On Fri, Feb 2, 2024 at 12:54 PM Barbara L'Eplattenier <bleplatt at ualr.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hello all:
>>> My department is gathering information about getting students access to
>>> Adobe Acrobat in their classes.  We have a campus wide license that allows
>>> faculty and staff to put adobe on university issued computers which
>>> includes labs, but we do nothing for our online students--which is a
>>> majority of our students.
>>> How do y'all handle it?  Do you just tell students to suck it up and buy
>>> the year long subscription?  Any suggestions and examples would be most
>>> welcome, as I'd like to talk to TPTB about this.
>>> Barb
>>> --
>>> Dr. Barbara L'Eplattenier  she / her / hers
>>> Book an appointment
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/calendar.app.google/af1MRDo1UpFz8ffo6__;!!IKRxdwAv5BmarQ!dGaF2aWo5kWpv8GAJF3i5cGnZwfIiLM838TzpG0y_O_I_Dwrqqodzzgn0G1YMn3B8gZzmk83cvVgyuUZNK5G$>
>>> *Ask me about off-campus opportunities such as a Fulbright, Rhodes,
>>> Gates, or/and TWC internship for students!*
>>> Professor, Department of Rhetoric and Writing
>>> 2801 S. University Ave
>>> Little Rock AR 72204-1099
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>> --
>> Dr. Barbara L'Eplattenier  she / her / hers
>> Book an appointment <https://calendar.app.google/af1MRDo1UpFz8ffo6>
>> *Ask me about off-campus opportunities such as a Fulbright, Rhodes,
>> Gates, or/and TWC internship for students!*
>> Professor, Department of Rhetoric and Writing
>> 2801 S. University Ave
>> Little Rock AR 72204-1099
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