[ATTW-L] Invitation to Participate in Research Study; TPW at HSIs

Christopher Andrews christopher.dm.andrews at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 14:33:38 UTC 2024

*We've been direct-contacting instructors and program administrators, but
also wanted to ensure this call went broadly in case we didn't have your
new or unlisted program on our list yet!*


Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi is conducting a study of student
experiences in online and hybrid technical writing courses; in particular,
the research project seeks to solicit first-person stories, or testimonios,
from minority students related to their experiences in technical writing
courses that are delivered either in part or wholly online.

We would deeply appreciate you passing this along to your students if your

   1. is designated as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) or Minority
   Serving Institution (MSI) and
   2. offers a program (graduate or undergraduate) in technical,
   professional, or scientific communication that contains hybrid or digital
   instructional modalities.

As a writing program administrator or faculty member, we are asking for
your help to solicit student participation in this research study. We are
asking you to share information about this study and a link to a
questionnaire that will let students self-select into the study. We have
included a message (see below) for you to copy and paste into email or LMS

Interested participants will voluntarily self-select into this research
study by responding to a questionnaire that collects qualifying and contact
information. Participants will then coordinate directly with the study PIs
to schedule and conduct a semi-structured interview via Zoom with one of
the study PIs. Interviews will last approximately 45 minutes, and
participation is incentivized with a $10 digital gift card.

This study has been reviewed and approved through the Texas A&M
University-Corpus Christi Institutional Research Board (IRB). If you have
questions, you can contact them at 361-825-2497 or irb at tamucc.edu.

*Message to Students *

Our names are Dr. Manny Piña and Dr. Chris Andrews. We are researchers at
Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi who are doing an IRB-approved study
about minority students’ experiences with technical writing courses that
are delivered either in part or totally online. This research study is
designed to help us understand how to make online technical writing courses
more effective for you. *We’re gathering first-person stories, or
testimonios, and we would like to hear from you!*

If you would like to share your experiences in an online writing course
with us, the first step is complete this online survey
<https://tamucc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_54nE32K23QHqMLk> that will
help us make sure that you are eligible to participate in this research
study by collecting qualifying and contact information. The survey form
will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

After you complete this survey, a member of the research team will contact
you to set up a time to meet with you on Zoom. The Zoom interview will last
approximately 45 minutes; and, as a thank you, students who participate in
the interview will receive a $10 digital gift card.

If you have questions about the study, please feel free to contact co-PIs
Dr. Manny Piña (manuel.pina at tamucc.edu) or Dr. Chris Andrews (
christopher.andrews at tamucc.edu). <christopher.andrews at tamucc.edu>Thank you
in advance for considering to participate in this research project.

If you have questions about the study, please feel free to contact co-PIs
Dr. Manuel Piña (manuel.pina at tamucc.edu) or Dr. Chris Andrews (
christopher.andrews at tamucc.edu)

Thank you for your assistance with this project.


Chris Andrews

Dr. Christopher D. M. Andrews
Associate Professor & Chair
Department of English
Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi
Managing Editor, *Kairos,* http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/
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