Maria Novotny novotnym at uwosh.edu
Fri Aug 24 16:00:25 UTC 2018

(Please forgive cross-postings)

Dear Colleagues,

Ames Hawkins and I are excited to announce a CFP entitled “*Curation: A
Multimodal Practice For Socially-Engaged Action*” for a Special Issue of *The
Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics*.

If you have questions or would like to pitch an idea prior to formally
submitting a proposal, feel free to contact us.

Proposals are due *January 15, 2019*. The full CFP is below; a PDF copy is
attached, and a digital copy can also be found at this link
<http://multimodalrhetorics.com/cfps>. Please share widely and let us know
if you have any questions!

Best of luck on the start of new semesters!

Maria and Ames


*CALL FOR PROPOSALS -- Special Issue of The Journal of Multimodal
special issue explores the practice of curation as a multimodal form of
creative-critical scholarship. Creative-critical scholarship often employs
creative practice as methods and methodologies (Anderson, 2014). It does so
in order to not only articulate, but to demonstrate and make material, the
relevance of arts practice as scholarly inquiry (Wysocki, 2004). We see
creative-critical scholarship as an artistic scholarly method facilitating
action and engagement in critical social issues. We intend, then, for this
special issue to call further attention to creative-critical scholarship as
a multimodal rhetorical practice.As a field, rhetoric and composition has
begun to embrace a similar public turn towards community-engaged rhetorical
action. Yet, we find curation, as a rhetorical and multimodal practice, has
yet to be explicitly discussed as relevant to this endeavor. The CCCC
Statement on Community-Engaged Project in Rhetoric and Composition has made
space for the field to recognize the many forms of socially-engaged work,
identifying examples such as community writing workshops, policy debates,
the facilitation of public discussions, and digital storytelling projects,
to name a few. Curation, we argue, should also be identified as a
multimodal practice supporting rhetorical action in communities,
classrooms, and our scholarship. We take the position that the field should
examine curation as a practice supportive of community-engaged action as
it, too, “differ[s] from traditional scholarly modes of communication
[which] involves both deep disciplinary knowledge and extensive critical
and collaborative intellectual labor” (CCCC Statement). This special issue
then seeks to make space for curation as a recognizable and valid practice
of scholarly labor that when effectively performed is a conduit for social,
rhetorical action. Given this, we invite contributors, both within the
field of rhetoric and composition as well as in fields such as art and art
history, arts education, arts and media management, digital humanities,
multimedia arts, and library science to consider how curation, when enacted
as a rhetorical, multimodal performance, creates an assembled and
relational space for socially engaged action. In practice, curation, is
traditionally understood within the context of exhibitions, where the
curator must consider: “exhibition layout, juxtaposition, and museum
signage, shape [of] the floor plan of an exhibition and suggest, if not
prescribe, not only visitor itinerary and movement but also ways of feeling
about the cultures from which the objects on display derive (Tyburczy,
2016, p. 103). This definition of curation assumes then that “the role of
the curator is seen as a creative, relational practice of mediation between
artists and local communities to ensure that meaningful encounters occur”
(Linden & Campbell, 2016 p. 19). As co-editors, we draw on these
definitions to argue that the curator’s role is to not only think about
relationality but evoke it by designing scenes of and for public learning.
The curator makes decisions about what is shown, how it is shown, where it
is shown, and the interactivity between the content and audience. Such
decisions are rhetorical in themselves and collectively evoke what we see
as multimodal, embodied moments inviting “people to learn about themselves,
their culture and society, and the larger world around them” (Camic &
Chatterjee, 2013, p. 67). Curation is thus a relational, public,
meaning-making practice. Given this, we invite potential contributors to
reflect and draw upon the role of the curator, as well as the rhetorical
practice of curation, in order to make more explicit the connections
between curation, multimodality, and socially-engaged action. We seek
proposals that address a variety of questions, including, but not limited
to: - How may we measure and/or argue for curation as engaging in social
change?- What is the intellectual/rhetorical work of curation and how does
it make civic and social impact? - What methodologies and methods must the
curator consider when curating? - What ethics must the curator consider
when curating? - How does curation enact scholarly creative activity that
engages in social change? - What may we learn from community-engaged work
that curates for social change?- How may we act as curators in our
classrooms? How may curation inform our pedagogy?- How may definitions
and/or theories of curation contribute to or extend conversations in
rhetoric and composition?- What are some limits or challenges of practicing
curation for social change?- How may tenure and promotion materials better
account for creative-critical forms of multimodal scholarship, like
curation?Given these questions, we hope that this special issue may make
space for recognizing curation as a form of creative-critical scholarship
with contributors submitting proposals that address issues of methodology,
theory, disciplinarity, and public pedagogy.  With curation as the foci of
this special issue, we, as co-editors, simultaneously view our position as
co-curators. In particular, we find that The Journal of Multimodal
Rhetorics is well-suited to support our vision of a curated special issue
by allowing for multimodal and performative pieces to be submitted. As
co-editors, we also see our role as co-curators. We thus seek to curate
this special issue as an online gallery space. Contributions to this
special issue will take up these scholarly conversations by showcasing
curation as a multimodal rhetorical performance by scholar-artists who do
creative-critical scholarship, community-engaged projects, and/or the
teaching and situating of curation within the classroom.  Timeline -
Proposals (500 word max) due: January 15, 2019- Authors notified: March 15,
2019- Full articles due: July 1, 2019- Revised manuscripts due: January 15,
2020- Anticipated publication date: Spring 2020 Submission and Contact
DetailsIndividuals, co-authors, or collectives should submit a 500 word
proposal that clearly situates curation as a rhetorical, multimodal and
performative practice. We are especially interested in proposals that
consider how their submission performs curation as multimodal, rhetorical
practice. It is encouraged that proposals consider the format at of the
journal and address how their piece will operate through the journal’s
platform. If you have questions or would like to pitch an idea prior to
formally submitting a proposal, feel free to contact the editors. Proposals
should be submitted to Ames Hawkins at ahawkins at colum.edu
<ahawkins at colum.edu> and Maria Novotny at novotnym at uwosh.edu
<novotnym at uwosh.edu>. *

Maria Novotny, PhD
Assistant Professor
Professional & Digital Writing
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Department of English
800 Algoma Blvd
Oshkosh, WI 54901

222 Radford Hall (office)
novotnym at uwosh.edu
(920) 424-7475

Pronouns: she, her, hers
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