[ATTW-L] Invitation to circulate and/or participate in survey on the "Perceptions on programming languages"

Chris Lindgren lindgren at vt.edu
Wed Feb 20 18:03:07 UTC 2019


My name is Dr. Chris Lindgren, and I’m an Assistant Professor of Technical
Communication in the Department of English at Virginia Tech.

I’m conducting an IRB-approved survey (VT IRB #18-758) that examines the
variance between the domain in which people who write computer code in
their profession with their definitions of programming languages, and their
attitudes about prominent claims about programming languages.

To participate in this survey, you must be at least 18 years-old and have
had any kind of experience coding with programming languages in a
professional context – *no matter how little*.

Participants will remain completely anonymous for the survey, which
consists of multiple-choice questions and one fill-in option. The survey
will take approximately 7-10 minutes to complete.

If you have any questions for me, the Principle Investigator Dr. Chris
Lindgren, please use my email at lindgren at vt.edu.

If you would like to learn more and potentially participate in this survey,
please follow this link, which will direct you to the “Information and
Consent” section of this survey online:

I would also greatly appreciate your effort to forward this survey among
any persons in your individual networks, who may circulate or potentially
participate in it.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration!

Dr. Chris Lindgren | clindgrencv.com
Assistant Professor of Technical Communication & Data Visualization
Department of English
Virginia Tech
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