[ATTW-L] New CDQ article on the visual rhetoric of pitch decks

Luke Thominet lthomine at fiu.edu
Tue Nov 26 19:02:14 UTC 2019

Dear Colleagues,

CDQ has a new OnlineFirst article by Sean Williams, Clay Spinuzzi, and Curtis Newbold, "Toward a Heuristic for Teaching the Visual Rhetoric of Pitch Decks<http://sigdoc.acm.org/toward-a-heuristic-for-teaching-the-visual-rhetoric-of-pitch-decks-a-pedagogical-approach-in-entrepreneurship-communication/?fbclid=IwAR0Lfmo-mU_kZYaVfgrdHerXwADJJRKhLMRiR_XuvEArri1hwC4zX0Xa750>."

Article Abstract: "This study examined how three successful entrepreneurs/investors assessed the visual rhetoric of actual pitch decks from novice entrepreneurs. We compare their evaluations to the result of a heuristic for assessing visual rhetoric, Color CRAYONTIP. While the pitch deck is recognized as a key artifact in entrepreneurship, no studies have specifically addressed the visual design of the deck nor the key design skills novice entrepreneurs should implement to effectively persuade potential investors of the idea's promise. This preliminary and exploratory case study begins a dialogue on this topic by performing a visual analysis of seven novice decks which were deemed successful by experienced angel investors. The analysis revealed five key skills that appear to account for the success of these decks with the reviewers: rhetorical awareness, typography, color, photography, and contrast."

If you have something that would be a good fit for Communication Design Quarterly, please look over our manuscript submission guidelines<https://sigdoc.acm.org/publication/communication-design-quarterly-review/>. Please direct inquiries or submissions to Derek G. Ross at derek.ross at auburn.edu<mailto:derek.ross at auburn.edu>.

Luke Thominet, PhD
Communications Manager

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