[ATTW-L] Join the *NEW* WPA-GO Email List

WPA-GO wpago1 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 13:28:21 UTC 2020

Dear Members of ATTW-L,

Previously, joining the Writing Program Administrators - Graduate
Organization (WPA-GO) has involved emailing us with the subject line
“Join.” However, we’ve realized that this system is untenable in terms of
maintenance and communication; we simply cannot keep up with requests to
join and unsubscribe. Therefore, we’ve developed a new, more streamlined
system for subscribing and unsubscribing to communications from WPA-GO. *This
change in system means that we’re starting fresh, and we’re pleased to
invite members of the writing studies community to join our *new* email

*How does it work?*

Fill out this form <https://forms.gle/VYqbYfZ7UfchVbV76> to subscribe to
WPA-GO’s email list. Upon subscribing, you will receive updates about
relevant events, committees, and opportunities specifically aimed at
graduate students in writing studies. This is *not* a two-way listserv but
simply a method by which WPA-GO will send out relevant information to our

*Who can subscribe?*

The content that will be distributed via this email list will be geared
toward graduate students, but faculty, administrators, and academic staff
can also subscribe to learn about opportunities relevant to students in
their programs.

*Are there other ways to get involved in WPA-GO?*

Absolutely! Consider joining a committee
<https://forms.gle/6aninBtNWew5Bptp7)> and following us @WPA_GO on Twitter
<https://twitter.com/WPA_GO> & Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/wpa_go> or
liking us on Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/wpa.go>.

*How do I unsubscribe?*

We hope to stay in contact with you! However, if you’d like to unsubscribe
from direct communications from WPA-GO, just visit the same form <
https://forms.gle/VYqbYfZ7UfchVbV76>. We will check the form submissions
regularly and update our list accordingly. In the meantime, we appreciate
your patience!

*Thank you for your understanding in this endeavor to start our email list
anew, and we hope you (re)subscribe! We sincerely look forward to
connecting with you!*

Gabbi, Chair of WPA-GO

P.S. If you have any questions about WPA-GO, please email wpago1 at gmail.com.

Gabrielle Kelenyi, Chair
Laura Hardin Marshall, Vice Chair
Amanda Presswood, Past Chair

   - WPA-GO Website <http://wpacouncil.org/wpa-go>
   - Twitter <https://twitter.com/wpa_go> & Instagram
   <https://www.instagram.com/wpa_go>: @wpa_go
   - Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/wpa.go/>
   - To subscribe or unsubscribe to the WPA-GO email list, please click here
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