[ATTW-L] unpublished CDC guidelines

Dragga, Sam Sam.Dragga at ttu.edu
Thu May 7 18:37:11 UTC 2020

For a timely example of public safety guidelines, check https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/6883734/CDC-Business-Plans.pdf.

This is the step-by-step advice researched and written by CDC scientists for educators, faith leaders, business operators, and state and local officials, but never released.

The 17-page file includes sections for

  *   Child Care Programs
  *   Schools and Day Camps
  *   Communities of Faith
  *   Employers with Vulnerable Workers
  *   Restaurants and Bars
  *   Mass Transit Administrators

and lists specific instructions for

  *   (Re)Opening
  *   Safety Actions
  *   Monitoring and Preparing
  *   Closing

Your students might enjoy discussing the organization, wording, and design of the instructions as well as the ethics of leaving this information unpublished.


Sam Dragga
Professor Emeritus, Texas Tech University
Editor, Technical Communication
sam.dragga at ttu.edu

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