[ATTW-L] New CDQ article on the effects of training on smart home technology adoption

Luke Thominet lthomine at fiu.edu
Thu Aug 12 19:02:18 UTC 2021

Dear Colleagues,

CDQ just published a new Online First article by David Wright, Daniel B. Shank, and Thomas Yarbrough, "Outcomes of Training in Smart Home Technology Adoption: A living laboratory study<https://sigdoc.acm.org/cdq/outcomes-of-training-in-smart-home-technology-adoption-a-living-laboratory-study/>"  (sigdoc.acm.org/cdq/outcomes-of-training-in-smart-home-technology-adoption-a-living-laboratory-study/).

Article Abstract: While various forms of smart home technology have been available for decades, they have yet to achieve widespread adoption. Although they have risen in popularity during recent years, the general public continue to rate smart home devices as overly complex compared to their benefits. This article reports the results of an eight-month study into the effects of training on smart home technology adoption. Building upon the results of a previous study, and using the same living laboratory approach, the authors studied the effects of training on the attitudes of a group of residents toward use of smart home technology. Results show that training influences those attitudes toward smart home technology, including increased confidence in future use, and increased actual use of more complex smart home features. Results also indicate that users tended to seek out other users rather than training materials for advice, and that privacy concerns were not a deterrent to using smart home devices.

We invite you to contribute to the conversation. Communication Design Quarterly strives to be a place open to all types of research and writing as it relates to communication design, and we welcome non-traditional work and work by emerging scholars. We also know that many of our number work outside of academia, and welcome experience reports that summarize important technologies, techniques, methods, pedagogies, or product processes. We are also interested in proposals for guest editing special issues.

And if you have something that would be a good fit for Communication Design Quarterly, please review our article guidelines<http://sigdoc.acm.org/publication/communication-design-quarterly-review/> (sigdoc.acm.org/publication/communication-design-quarterly-review/) and direct inquiries or submissions to our Editor in Chief, Dr. Derek G. Ross, at derek.ross at auburn.edu<mailto:derek.ross at auburn.edu>.

Luke Thominet, PhD
Communications Manager

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