[ATTW-L] REGISTER NOW! Attend the 2021 CWPA Brekkie at 4C21

Katherine O'Meara kat.daily.omeara at gmail.com
Tue Mar 16 14:00:00 UTC 2021

Registration for the 2021 CWPA Brekkie at CCCC is NOW OPEN!

Head to the *CWPA Brekkie page*
<http://wpacouncil.org/aws/CWPA/pt/sp/breakfast> and click on the blue
button to register.

As a reminder, the 2021 Brekkie will be held as an evening event: *Tuesday
April 6, 6:30-7:45pm (EST).* The event will include an introductory
program, followed by an offering of themed breakout groups that you can
move in and out of at your leisure. In the registration form, you will be
able to select your top three preferred rooms.

In addition, recall that the 2021 Brekkie *will be a FREE event*! As such,
the Breakfast Committee has given you *two* options to make monetary
donations in lieu of purchasing a ticket.

   - First, you can donate to the *Connors Fund* while registering for the
   Brekkie. This fund is named after Robert J. Connors, who never missed a
   CWPA Breakfast, and your donation helps support graduate student attendance.
   - Second, there is a list of *Spokane-area food banks and community
   organizations* on the Brekkie page. (Spokane was the original location
   of CCCC before it moved online.) Many Americans suffer from food
   insecurity-- A situation exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Please consider donating to one or both of these options as you register
for the Brekkie.

If you have any questions, contact the Breakfast Committee chair, Kat
O'Meara: kat.daily.omeara at gmail.com

We look forward to seeing you at the 2021 Brekkie!

*The 2021 CWPA Breakfast Committee*
*Kat O'Meara, Morgan Hanson, Mara Lee Grayson, Jacie Castle, Susan Thomas,
and Sherry Rankins-Robertson*

[image: CWPA Breakfast 21.jpg]

*Katherine Daily O'Meara, Ph.D.*
kat.daily.omeara at gmail.com

Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, Assistant Professor of English
Saint Norbert College
<https://www.snc.edu/academics/faculty/kat.omeara.html> | kat.omeara at snc.edu
Co-Editor, *Journal of Response to Writing

*Differences of habit & language are nothing at all*
*If our aims are identical & our hearts are open.*
*- Albus Dumbledore -*

**I honor and respect boundaries around personal time, well-being,
caregiving, and rest. Should you receive correspondence from me during a
time that you are engaging in any of the above, please protect your time
and wait to respond until you are next working. Prioritize joy, not work,
when and where you can.
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