[ATTW-L] nonprofit course thoughts?

Michael S. Knievel MKnievel at uwyo.edu
Sun Apr 30 18:31:32 UTC 2023

Good day, all:

I hope that semesters, quarters, and other configurations are coming together peacefully and happily for everyone.

I write with a request-- I am teaching a graduate-level course in writing for nonprofits and grant writing next year, and I'm wondering if anyone has good textbook suggestions or other wisdom or resources (approaches or assignments, perhaps) that you might be willing to share if you've taught such a course or ever imagined doing so.

I've taught a similar course at the undergraduate level, and I'm struggling a bit with what the graduate jump might look like. I expect to have students from different departments and disciplines on the roster.

In short, I'd welcome any thoughts or suggestions. Thank you for considering it-

<mailto:lilian.mina at gmail.com>
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