[ATTW-L] Iowa State’s MA and PhD in Rhetoric and Professional Communication

Rood, Craig J [ENGL] rood at iastate.edu
Fri Dec 7 21:40:23 UTC 2018

Iowa State’s MA and PhD in Rhetoric and Professional Communication

For those applying to graduate school, consider Iowa State’s MA in Rhetoric, Composition, and Professional Communication (RCPC) and its PhD in Rhetoric and Professional Communication (RPC)<https://www.engl.iastate.edu/rpc/>. These versatile programs allow students to apply diverse theoretical and methodological approaches to study rhetoric, composition, and professional communication. Students can focus on one area or explore courses in all three areas.

Rhetoric areas include visual and material rhetoric, feminist rhetoric, social justice rhetoric as well as public memory and social controversy. Professional communication courses include user experience, multimedia and interaction design, document design and editing, and organizational communication. Composition covers topics in composition theory and administrating multimodal writing programs. In addition to working with our RPC faculty<https://www.engl.iastate.edu/rpc/rpc-faculty/>, graduate students may also collaborate with faculty in other disciplines and even pursue dual doctoral degrees in RPC and Applied Linguistics and Technology or Human Computer Interaction.

Our graduate students have the opportunity to teach a variety of courses within ISUComm’s Foundational and Advanced Communication<https://www.engl.iastate.edu/isucomm/> programs which include composition, public speaking and business communication, as well as tutor in our Writing and Media Center<https://www.wmc.dso.iastate.edu/> and work on research with faculty. PhD students earn $19,300 for 9 months of half time teaching ($2,145/month), and MA students earn $19,200 for 9 months ($2,133/month). Completing one of our degree programs gives students cross-disciplinary training for a variety of academic, industry, and entrepreneurial careers. Graduates of our programs have a high placement rate in both academe and industry.  See what our graduates have done<https://www.engl.iastate.edu/rpc/graduate-programs/phd-rpc/rpc-phd-alumni/>.

The application deadline is January 5, 2019. You can learn more about our MA and PhD programs from the attached brochure and here: https://www.engl.iastate.edu/rpc/

Contact: englgrad at iastate.edu<mailto:englgrad at iastate.edu>

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