[ATTW-L] Classical Rhetoric & Contemporary Law: CPF deadline extended

Brian Larson brian at tendallarson.com
Mon Sep 10 10:00:17 UTC 2018

Howdy, folks! The deadline for proposals for Classical Rhetoric &
Contemporary Law projects is extended to October 5, 2018. Summary of
project here, full info at link below.

Classical Rhetoric & Contemporary Law, a national group of scholars in the
legal academy broadly interested in rhetorical theory and particularly in
classical rhetorical texts, has been meeting virtually for more than a year
discussing such texts and their intersections with contemporary legal
practices and education. The list of texts the group has discussed so far
appears below. The group has presented portions of its work at 2018
conferences of the Rhetoric Society of America and of the Legal Writing

Many (though not all) of CRCL’s members are experienced legal practitioners
and law teachers and scholars specializing in teaching legal communication
in the legal academy; others have training in rhetoric, communication
studies, and philosophy, among other disciplines. Most are not trained with
terminal degrees in rhetoric and none in classics. Many are also eager to
be scholarly collaborators.

CRCL intends this CFP to elicit proposals that identify and advance
scholarly projects to discuss, illustrate, explore, or advocate for the
relationship between classical rhetoric and current legal education or law
practice or both. Any interested scholar, whether a member of CRCL or no,
is welcome to submit a proposal in the form described below.

*Preliminary proposals are due October 5, 2018 (Anywhere On Earth

For proposal requirements, possible project types, a list of texts the
group has already discussed, and a list of the committee evaluating
proposals see the full CFP at https://rhetoricked.com/2018/0
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