[ATTW-L] Classical Rhetoric & Contemporary Law: CPF deadline extended

Brian Larson brian at tendallarson.com
Mon Sep 10 10:02:33 UTC 2018

LOL, CFP. That's what I get for writing at 5:00a.m.

On Mon, Sep 10, 2018 at 5:00 AM, Brian Larson <brian at tendallarson.com>

> Howdy, folks! The deadline for proposals for Classical Rhetoric &
> Contemporary Law projects is extended to October 5, 2018. Summary of
> project here, full info at link below.
> Classical Rhetoric & Contemporary Law, a national group of scholars in the
> legal academy broadly interested in rhetorical theory and particularly in
> classical rhetorical texts, has been meeting virtually for more than a year
> discussing such texts and their intersections with contemporary legal
> practices and education. The list of texts the group has discussed so far
> appears below. The group has presented portions of its work at 2018
> conferences of the Rhetoric Society of America and of the Legal Writing
> Institute.
> Many (though not all) of CRCL’s members are experienced legal
> practitioners and law teachers and scholars specializing in teaching legal
> communication in the legal academy; others have training in rhetoric,
> communication studies, and philosophy, among other disciplines. Most are
> not trained with terminal degrees in rhetoric and none in classics. Many
> are also eager to be scholarly collaborators.
> CRCL intends this CFP to elicit proposals that identify and advance
> scholarly projects to discuss, illustrate, explore, or advocate for the
> relationship between classical rhetoric and current legal education or law
> practice or both. Any interested scholar, whether a member of CRCL or no,
> is welcome to submit a proposal in the form described below.
> *Preliminary proposals are due October 5, 2018 (Anywhere On Earth
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anywhere_on_Earth>)*.
> For proposal requirements, possible project types, a list of texts the
> group has already discussed, and a list of the committee evaluating
> proposals see the full CFP at https://rhetoricked.com/2018/0
> 8/09/cfp-classical-rhetoric-contemporary-law/
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