[ATTW-L] Xchanges Graduate Issue 14.1 Is Live!

Hendrickson, Brian bhendrickson at rwu.edu
Mon Apr 22 17:38:00 UTC 2019

Dear All,

I'm writing on behalf of the editorial team at Xchanges<http://www.xchanges.org/> to announce that our Spring 2019 graduate student issue is now live!

As I mention in my editor's intro, the scholarship featured here represents the intellectual breadth, critical depth, and practical sensibility of the next wave of scholars in rhetoric, writing, and technical communication. This work, like our journal’s mission, could not be more timely. At a historical moment when generational divisions are palpable in our field’s online forums, it behooves us all to recognize the intellectual contributions of undergraduate and graduate students as integral to our scholarly conversations.

In Issue 14.1, you'll find four works of graduate scholarship in areas including usability, reading, disciplinarity, and digital archiving, as well as the second installment in our "Profiles in Digital Scholarship and Publishing" series:

  *   “User Experiences of Spanish-Speaking Latinos with the Frontier Behavioral Health Website”<http://www.xchanges.org/user-experiences-of-spanish-speaking> by Raquel Ramos, Eastern Washington University
  *    “What Wants to be Said (Out Loud)?: Octalogs as Alter/native to Hegemonic Discourse Practices”<http://www.xchanges.org/what-wants-to-be-said> by Eric Reid Hamilton, Clemson University
  *   “Building Critical Decolonial Digital Archives: Recognizing Complexities to Reimagine Possibilities”<http://www.xchanges.org/building-critical-decolonial-digital-archives> by Bibhushana Poudyal, University of Texas El Paso
  *   “Differences in Print and Screen Reading in Graduate Students”<http://www.xchanges.org/differences-in-print-and-screen> by Lauren J. Short, University of New Hampshire
  *   "Profiles in Digital Scholarship & Publishing: Douglas Eyman"<http://www.xchanges.org/profiles-in-digital-scholarship-and-publishing-douglas-eyman> Interview by Elizabeth Barnett, University of New Mexico

Please join us in congratulating our authors and the faculty mentors who supported them. And if you are an undergraduate or graduate student working in rhetoric, writing, tech comm, or a related discipline, please consider submitting to Xchanges. Our submission window for our 2019-20 undergraduate and graduate issues is open now until June 30.


Brian Hendrickson, PhD
Assistant Professor
Dept of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Roger Williams University
bhendrickson at rwu.edu<mailto:bhendrickson at rwu.edu>
Office Phone: (401) 254-3243
Office Location: GHH 239
Pronouns: he/him/his
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