[ATTW-L] Join ACM SIGDOC in Denton, Texas in October 2020! (Proposals due February 8)

Luke Thominet lthomine at fiu.edu
Mon Dec 30 18:46:38 UTC 2019

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to invite you to join us for SIGDOC 2020 in Denton, Texas on October 3-4, 2020.

The ACM Special Interest Group on Design of Communication (ACM SIGDOC) invites you to submit proposals for research papers, industry insight papers, experience reports, posters, panel sessions, and workshops. These proposals should explore interactions among technology and design in communication design, professional and technical communication (PTC), and user experience (UX) practice, teaching, and scholarship.

For a complete description of the proposal process, please review the full SIGDOC 2020 CFP<http://sigdoc.acm.org/conference/2020/2019/12/22/call-for-proposals/>.

Important Dates:

  *   February 8, 2020 at 23:59 PST: Proposals due. Please submit to your proposal by email to sigdocconference at gmail.com<mailto:sigdocconference at gmail.com>.
  *   February 28, 2020: Notification of acceptance/request to submit a full-length paper or extended abstract.
  *   April 25, 2020, 23:59 PST: Drafts of initial papers and extended abstracts due.
  *   May 22, 2020: Reviews of/comments on papers and extended abstracts returned.
  *   July 1, 2020, 23:59 PST: Papers and extended abstracts (final version) due.
  *   October 3-4: SIGDOC 2020 Conference in Denton Texas, USA.

Questions on the CFP or the process described here should be emailed to the Program Co-Chairs, Josie Walwema and Daniel Hocutt, at sigdocconference at gmail.com<mailto:sigdocconference at gmail.com>.

Luke Thominet, PhD
SIGDOC Communications Manager
lthomine at fiu.edu<mailto:lthomine at fiu.edu>

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