[ATTW-L] SIGDOC Student Research Competition 2020 CFP

Luke Thominet lthomine at fiu.edu
Mon Dec 30 19:05:41 UTC 2019

Dear Colleagues,

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Design of Communication (SIGDOC) invites current undergraduate and graduate students to submit a proposal to this year's ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) sponsored by Microsoft. The SRC offers a unique forum for undergraduate and graduate students to present their original research at a well-known ACM sponsored conference before a panel of judges and attendees.

The SRC consists of several rounds of competition, beginning with the initial submission process. Up to 15 undergraduate and 15 graduate students will be selected, based on their proposals, to enter the SRC that will be held at SIGDOC, Oct. 3 - 4, 2020 in Denton, TX, USA.

The selected students will receive travel grants from Microsoft that will pay a portion of their travel to the conference. ACM's SRC program covers expenses up to $500 for all students invited to an SRC (students are responsible for their conference registration and SIGDOC membership, which begins at $19/year).

For more information, please review the full 2020 Student Research Competition CFP<http://sigdoc.acm.org/awards/student-research-competition/>.

Important Dates:

*         April 24, 2020: Proposals due. Please submit proposals by email to Dr. Sonia Stephens at sonia.stephens at ucf.edu<mailto:sonia.stephens at ucf.edu>.

*         May 16, 2020: Notifications of acceptance will be sent.

*         June 12, 2020: Extended abstracts due.

*         July 4, 2020: Reviews of/comments on extended abstracts will be returned.

*         August 14, 2020: Final version of extended abstracts due.

*         October 3-4, 2020: SRC presentations at SIGDOC 2020 in Denton, Texas.

If you have any questions, please email Dr. Sonia Stephens, the SRC Chair, at (sonia.stephens at ucf.edu<mailto:sonia.stephens at ucf.edu>).

Luke Thominet
SIGDOC Communications Manager

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