[ATTW-L] save the date: TPC Faculty Office Hours

Lisa Melonçon meloncon.research at gmail.com
Thu Jan 2 13:34:00 UTC 2020

All -

TPC Faculty Office Hours are a space for faculty adn administrators in
technical adn professional communication programs to come together and talk
and share. While we have topics )listed below), the space is meant to be a
community where you are always welcome to bring up a related question or
concern or tell us about a success.

All office meetings meet at *5:30pmET* in our virtual office:
You *can join us here*: https://mit.webex.com/meet/facultyhours

Days and topics for Spring, 2020:

   - 1-15-20: Social Media professionally and programmatically
   - 2-19-20: Favorite Assignment and Activities
   - 3-11-20: Favorite open access resources
   - 4-15-20: Making TPC work visible
   - 5-13-20: SOTL for TPC

I want to take this opportunity to send out a big thank you to Sarah
Gunning, who is one of the original planners of this endeavor and who is
moving on to take care of some things.  Thank you, Sarah!

On behalf of the planning committee, we hope to see you in the Spring!

   - Cagle, Lauren, lauren.cagle at uky.edu
   - Sara Doan, saradoan at uwm.edu
   - Lisa Meloncon, Meloncon at usf.edu
   - Mike Trice, mtrice at mit.edu

Lisa Melonçon, PhD
Co-Editor, Rhetoric of Health and Medicine (
Book Series Editor, Foundations and Innovations in TPC (
Professor, Technical Communication, Department of English
University of South Florida
4202 Fowler Avenue, CPR 311
Tampa, FL 33620-5550
Phone: 803-370-0008
Email: meloncon.research at gmail.com or meloncon at usf.edu
Pronouns: she/her
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