[ATTW-L] Needed: Technical Communicators Who Run?

Jacquelyn HoermannElliott jhelliott at twu.edu
Thu Jan 2 03:08:25 UTC 2020

Happy New Year's Day! I'm writing with a request for help with my *research*,
which looks at the relationship between *writing activity *and* running/
walking* for exercise. I'm trying to find technical communicators who also
run/ jog/ walk one or more times per week and would be willing to *keep a
log* of their activity for *four weeks*.

*Participation *or* referrals* would be greatly appreciated. I've had a
surprisingly hard time representing technical communicators in this study,
and I'm hoping to change that. Thank you in advance for any help you can
provide. I'm pasting more information on this study below.


Dear writer,

We invite you to participate in a study being conducted for research on
behalf of a Texas Woman’s University (TWU) English, Speech, and Foreign
Languages faculty member. The purpose of this study is to determine some of
the variables impacting how writers—student or careerist writers—connect
their physical activity processes to their written work. You have been
asked to participate in this study because you are someone who both writes
and moves your body on a weekly basis.

By filling out the writing logs daily--which should take approximately 5-10
minutes for each entry, seven days a week, for four weeks--you will share
with the research team how, when, and why you engage in writing and
physical activity processes. You may be invited to discuss your writing,
moving, and/ or log-keeping experiences with the researcher in a follow-up
interview that will not exceed 60 minutes. Participation in the follow-up
interview is not required and at any point you can decline participation in
this study at any time and without penalty. Your input is invaluable to us,
so please write as much as you wish. If you have questions, you can always
email the investigators (Dr. Jackie Hoermann-Elliott, jhelliott at twu.edu or
Margaret Williams mwilliams54 at twu.edu). If you have questions about your
rights as a participant in this research or the way this study has been
conducted, you may contact the Texas Woman’s University Office of Research
and Sponsored Programs at (940)898-3378 or via e-mail at IRB at twu.edu. This
logging form has been approved under TWU IRB #F2019-315.

Your participation is voluntary and you may decline participation without
penalty. Note: There is a potential risk of loss of confidentiality in all
email, downloading, electronic meetings, and internet transactions. The
investigators of this study and her research team will take every measure
of precaution into account when handling email correspondences, meaning
that any emails sent to the primary investigator or anyone on her research
team will be printed and stored in a locked filing cabinet that only the
research team has access to, and then the electronic email will be deleted.
No emails or data will be stored in Google Docs or Google Drive. Any emails
sent to the researchers will not be analyzed or used as secondary data in
this study.

Best wishes,

Dr. Jackie Hoermann-Elliott & Margaret Williams

*Jackie Hoermann-Elliott, Ph.D.*

Interim Director of First-Year Composition

Department of English, Speech, and Foreign Languages

Texas Woman's University

P.O. Box 425829

Denton, TX 76204
jhelliott at twu.edu
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