[ATTW-L] [EXTERNAL] Re: open source resources for intro to tech comm

Hinson, Dr. Katrina KHINSON at tarleton.edu
Tue Jan 21 15:09:18 UTC 2020

Hi Alison -
Like Daniel, I’ve used those same two open access texts and find that supplementing them where needed works so much better for my students. They did/do the job I need them to. My students also appreciate the fact that they’re open access. I got a lot of thank-you’s on the first day of class.

With regard,
Dr. Katrina Hinson
Ph.D. Rhetoric, Writing and Professional Communication
Assistant Professor of English
Tarleton State University
khinson at tarleton.edu<mailto:khinson at tarleton.edu>
“Progress not perfection"

On Jan 21, 2020, at 7:57 AM, Hocutt, Daniel <dhocutt at richmond.edu<mailto:dhocutt at richmond.edu>> wrote:


I’ll second Jonathan’s recommendation of open-tc.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__open-2Dtc.com_&d=DwMGaQ&c=eQdEe9K32izieWD3NkQJir9gQaVsVoIVcl3Cm413M7A&r=MdIuaEBZa7kA-pkJTqCu5777MxUEb1o2kx9GTl1eom0&m=lXGJx_AKx9S_6GwsXNkN7X67rJAHN9lzyZsnSHDB96U&s=KNjVKvtrJJRKpjmxcMWqCAGRp3Ab--QDvNevJ3FjTCw&e=>, which I’m using this semester as a result of attending a session where he presented at CTSPC. I also used Technical Writing<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__openoregon.pressbooks.pub_technicalwriting_&d=DwMGaQ&c=eQdEe9K32izieWD3NkQJir9gQaVsVoIVcl3Cm413M7A&r=MdIuaEBZa7kA-pkJTqCu5777MxUEb1o2kx9GTl1eom0&m=lXGJx_AKx9S_6GwsXNkN7X67rJAHN9lzyZsnSHDB96U&s=iyVD7TmH7-YcQ19g0EfS84YpX9bKfPU8CGV4AohM-Y8&e=>, an OER textbook, in an earlier tech comm intro course. While I needed to supplement both with additional resources, especially genre-specific instruction and examples, these texts did a fine job of providing the overview to tech comm I was looking for.


Daniel L. Hocutt, PhD
Web Manager | Adjunct Professor of Liberal Arts
School of Professional & Continuing Studies
University of Richmond
(804) 287-6658 | dhocutt at richmond.edu<mailto:dhocutt at richmond.edu>

From: ATTW-L <attw-l-bounces at attw.org<mailto:attw-l-bounces at attw.org>> on behalf of Alison Cardinal <acardin at uw.edu<mailto:acardin at uw.edu>>
Date: Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 2:54 PM
To: "attw-l at attw.org<mailto:attw-l at attw.org>" <attw-l at attw.org<mailto:attw-l at attw.org>>
Subject: [ATTW-L] open source resources for intro to tech comm

Hi all,
I was wondering if anybody could share what types of open source resources they use for a 200-level tech comm course. I'm trying to move away from expensive textbooks. What do folks use? I know there is a ton of stuff on medium, etc. by practitioners but was wondering if there is anything else out there I'm missing. I would be very grateful if anybody would send me their sans textbook syllabus.
Thank you so much,

Alison Cardinal, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Writing Studies
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
she/her pronouns

University of Washington, Tacoma,
Box 358436, 1900 Commerce St.
Tacoma, WA 98402
Contact:  acardin at uw.edu<mailto:acardin at uw.edu>
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ATTW-L at attw.org<mailto:ATTW-L at attw.org>

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