[ATTW-L] Please post updated job opportunity

Jennifer DuLac jdulac at benedictine.edu
Wed Oct 13 19:10:55 UTC 2021

The English Department of Benedictine College seeks a candidate specializing in rhetoric and composition to fill a full-time tenure-line opening as assistant professor and writing center director. Appointment will begin August 2022. The teaching load is 3 courses per semester, with two sections of English composition each semester and at least one section of English composition with review. The professor will also train and mentor student consultants in our Center and work with faculty across the disciplines to develop and support writing-intensive instruction. Administrative duties include coordinating the day-to-day activity of a newly formed Writing Center, training Writing Center consultants, developing and implementing workshops, and developing WAC-initiatives that provide guidance and support for writing instruction curriculum development. Candidates must specifically address how they will help fulfill the Catholic, Benedictine educational mission of the college.

For full requirements and to apply, please review the full job ad description.<https://www.benedictine.edu/jobs/english-faculty>

For questions concerning the position, please contact Dr. George Nicholas, Professor and Chair of English, at 913-360-7575 or nicholas at benedictine.edu<mailto:nicholas at benedictine.edu>. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Preference will be given to U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Benedictine College welcomes applications from candidates of all backgrounds. The College is committed to assuring equal opportunities in employment.

Jennifer DuLac
Administrative Assistant
Human Resources
Benedictine College
jdulac at benedictine.edu

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