[ATTW-L] Permission for Secondary Use of Student papers

Cheryl Geisler cgeisler at sfu.ca
Thu Sep 23 19:36:52 UTC 2021

Dear ATTW Researchers,

I am trying to use deidentified student drafts from a course I taught a few years ago for secondary research purpose (to analyze using text analytic software), and I am having trouble getting the go ahead from my former institution.

They have indicated that my project is OK from the perspective of IRB review, but are trying to determine whether I have the “right" to do this analysis as established by something like a faculty handbook.

Does anyone have any experience with getting additional permission to analyze student drafts in addition to IRB review?  Or can anyone explain what might be going on here?

Thanks for any insight.

— Cheryl

Cheryl Geisler
Professor, School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Simon Fraser University
cgeisler at sfu.ca<mailto:cgeisler at sfu.ca>

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