[ATTW-L] Social justice elements to a communication class?

Kramer-Simpson, Elisabeth Elisabeth.Kramer-Simpson at nmt.edu
Thu Aug 4 18:30:57 UTC 2022

Dear ATTW folks,
I'm looking for six more participants for my study examining best practices
across contexts in incorporating social justice elements in a technical
communication or related class within the last two years.

I would like to interview you on zoom for 30 minutes at a time of
your choosing.  I would like to audio record our conversation and I would
like to collect your syllabus and relevant assignment sheets/guidelines.
You will receive a 20 dollar gift card to Amazon for your participation.

Please email me at Elisabeth.Kramer-Simpson at nmt.edu if you have any
questions about this study (it is IRB-approved).  I'm hoping to interview a
few more people before the semester gets too crazy.

Thank you for considering my request.
Beth Kramer-Simpson
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