[ATTW-L] In Memory of Dr. Bill Hart-Davidson

Josephine Walwema walwema at uw.edu
Wed Apr 24 16:37:40 UTC 2024

A very sad day for all of us who were beneficiaries of his immense
May his memory be a blessing

Josephine Walwema PhD
Coordinator, Technical and Professional Communication
Program in Writing Across Campus

Department of English | A101 Padelford Hall


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On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 7:04 AM Gonzales,Laura <gonzalesl at ufl.edu> wrote:

> Dear ATTW Members:
> It is with profound sadness and unmeasurable grief that we share the
> unfathomable news that Dr. Bill Hart-Davidson has passed away. When he
> wrapped up his 12-year term on our Executive Committee in 2018, we gifted
> him an ATTW cycling jersey (thanks to Jim Ridolfo for the suggestion).
> Though Bill could have easily pedaled away from any additional ATTW labor,
> we asked him to stay on and serve as Secretary. Without hesitation, he
> happily agreed. When that term was up, we asked him to serve in our
> inaugural position of ATTW Historian; again, he happily accepted. Bill
> always generously stepped up and genuinely showed up with humility,
> intelligence, grace, and humanity. The holes he leaves in our hearts and
> organization--and the discipline--are infinite. We love, appreciate, and
> miss you, BHD! And our hearts and deepest sympathies go out to Leslie and
> Lily Hart-Davidson, and the rest of his family and friends.
> Attached image: BHD posting a FB selfie in 2018, looking proud and fit in
> his exclusive ATTW cycling jersey.
> With deep sympathy,
> The ATTW Executive Committee
> Laura Gonzales, PhD
> Associate Professor of Digital Writing and Cultural Rhetorics
> Associate Director, TRACE Innovation Initiative
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://trace.english.ufl.edu__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kZohd-o5tuSIS3FU6q-KHn-7gy06bvQI9afjoB7Y8lf7gcPvuA8sTcxIUPz-m9Tiat-Y1pCC4NoGJX4mgQ$>
> Department of English
> University of Florida
> Editor, *Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://reflectionsjournal.net__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kZohd-o5tuSIS3FU6q-KHn-7gy06bvQI9afjoB7Y8lf7gcPvuA8sTcxIUPz-m9Tiat-Y1pCC4NoUM1Ywrg$>*
> Vice President, Association of Teachers of Technical Writing
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://attw.org__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kZohd-o5tuSIS3FU6q-KHn-7gy06bvQI9afjoB7Y8lf7gcPvuA8sTcxIUPz-m9Tiat-Y1pCC4NpeVgPJUg$>
> (ATTW)
> Diversity Committee Chair, Council for Programs in Technical and
> Scientific Communication
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cptsc.org__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kZohd-o5tuSIS3FU6q-KHn-7gy06bvQI9afjoB7Y8lf7gcPvuA8sTcxIUPz-m9Tiat-Y1pCC4NriIZW-2Q$>
>  (CPTSC)
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