[ATTW-L] In Memory of Dr. Bill Hart-Davidson

Gonzales,Laura gonzalesl at ufl.edu
Wed Apr 24 14:00:40 UTC 2024

Dear ATTW Members:

It is with profound sadness and unmeasurable grief that we share the unfathomable news that Dr. Bill Hart-Davidson has passed away. When he wrapped up his 12-year term on our Executive Committee in 2018, we gifted him an ATTW cycling jersey (thanks to Jim Ridolfo for the suggestion). Though Bill could have easily pedaled away from any additional ATTW labor, we asked him to stay on and serve as Secretary. Without hesitation, he happily agreed. When that term was up, we asked him to serve in our inaugural position of ATTW Historian; again, he happily accepted. Bill always generously stepped up and genuinely showed up with humility, intelligence, grace, and humanity. The holes he leaves in our hearts and organization--and the discipline--are infinite. We love, appreciate, and miss you, BHD! And our hearts and deepest sympathies go out to Leslie and Lily Hart-Davidson, and the rest of his family and friends.

Attached image: BHD posting a FB selfie in 2018, looking proud and fit in his exclusive ATTW cycling jersey.

With deep sympathy,
The ATTW Executive Committee

Laura Gonzales, PhD
Associate Professor of Digital Writing and Cultural Rhetorics
Associate Director, TRACE Innovation Initiative<https://trace.english.ufl.edu>
Department of English
University of Florida

Editor, Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric<https://reflectionsjournal.net>
Vice President, Association of Teachers of Technical Writing <https://attw.org> (ATTW)
Diversity Committee Chair, Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication<https://cptsc.org> (CPTSC)
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