[ATTW-L] CDQ Special Issue Call for Proposals: “In Cooperation, In Conflict, and In Coexistence: Locating Empirical Design-Based Research Territories in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence(s)”

Brett Oppegaard brett.oppegaard at hawaii.edu
Thu May 2 19:08:13 UTC 2024

Could you please post this to your ATTW-L mailing list as soon as possible?
Thank you so much!

Special Issue Call for Proposals <https://cdq.sigdoc.org/cfp-genai/>: “In
Cooperation, In Conflict, and In Coexistence: Locating Empirical
Design-Based Research Territories in the Age of Generative Artificial

Drs. Brett Oppegaard and Ryan Boettger are currently soliciting abstracts
for a special issue they’re editing called “In Cooperation, In Conflict,
and In Coexistence: Locating Empirical Design-Based Research Territories in
the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence(s).” The *full CFP*
the motivations and goals of the special issue, an extended list of
possible research topics, and a detailed schedule for every step of the
publication process.

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is more than just on your mind.
You are collecting empirical data about it. You are seeking a group of
design-based researchers to help you to develop your ideas. You have an
innovative approach to this topic. You want to contribute to an
impactful publication that establishes clear and new academic territory for
this type of novel work, within the scope of Communication Design
Quarterly. You can meet the deadlines for an upcoming special issue in this
journal, and we therefore want you to submit an abstract of your plan for
ambitious scholarship by the end of the summer.

*POSSIBLE TOPICS FOR THIS SPECIAL ISSUE*The guest editors invite proposals
for original research papers and experience reports that address issues
related to communication design and Technical Communication more broadly in
an era of emerging artificial intelligences, such as the following:

*GenAI as Change Agents*• What major opportunities exist at the
intersection of GenAI, tech comm, and communication design?
• How will GenAI impact writing, editing, and content-strategy roles in
communication design?
• How might media accessibility be enhanced through GenAI?
• How is GenAI impacting job roles and responsibilities in communication
design? How can we prepare students and current professionals for these
shifting roles?
• What new career opportunities are emerging in communication design due to
• What novel ethical, copyright, and intellectual property issues does
GenAI raise?

*AI as Design and Research Tools*• How are tech communicators using GenAI
as a design tool? What are the challenges and opportunities?
• What is the state of the art in GenAI for communication design? What’s
working well and what are key limitations?
• How can we leverage GenAI for user experience design and testing?
• What new research methods or approaches are enabled and/or boosted by
• What have field experiments revealed about GenAI as a design tool?
• How can we address biases and misinformation in GenAI?

*AI as Collaborators*• When should GenAI be used to augment human work vs.
replace human work?
• What roles can/will GenAI play in multimedia production processes?
• How are GenAI assistants currently being used in communication design
workplaces? What other roles could they play?
• What pedagogical roles could GenAI play, e.g. as tutors, teaching
assistants, or co-teachers?

*AI and Quality Control*• What metrics or standards are needed to evaluate
GenAI systems and their impact on communication design?
• How can we ensure GenAI efficacy and address issues like the spread of
• How are audiences receiving and perceiving GenAI-designed media?
• How can we build more transparent, explainable, and accountable GenAI
for communication design? What quality controls are needed for GenAI to
avoid issues like bias, factual errors, and disinformation?

*The Challenges of GenAI in Communication Design*• What might the role of
communication designers be in 5-10 years with continued progress in GenAI,
as projected by different stakeholders in this area, including designers
but also clients, managers, production staff, etc.?
• What risks are emerging about reliance on GenAI? And what do stakeholders
say can be done about those risks?
• What significant ethical issues are predictable for GenAI? And what do
stakeholders say we can do to prepare for those before they happen?
• What future advances in GenAI will most significantly impact
communication design, from specific stakeholder perspectives? And how are
those stakeholders responding to those potential futures?

If you’re interested in submitting, the deadline for abstracts is *August
30*, and an explanation of what the abstracts should include can be found
in the *full CFP*
To reach out to the special issue editors with questions or to submit an
abstract, please email them at brett.oppegaard at hawaii.edu and
ryan.boettger at unt.edu.

Best wishes,

~ Brett


Brett Oppegaard, Ph.D., Professor
School of Communication and Information
<https://communications.manoa.hawaii.edu/> / College of  Social Sciences
<http://www.socialsciences.hawaii.edu/index.html> / University of Hawaiʻi
at Mānoa <https://manoa.hawaii.edu/>
Program Director of the University of Hawaiʻi's Journalism Program
<https://communications.manoa.hawaii.edu/journalism-ba/> / Principal
Investigator of the The UniDescription Project
<http://www.unidescription.org/> (www.unidescription.org)
brett.oppegaard at hawaii.edu, 808-956-3340 (o) / 360-521-8150 (c)
Link to my Full Signature Text
including mailing address, bio, Audio Description of photo, etc.
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