[ATTW-L] Request for R1 English Tenure and Promotion Guidelines to Help New Faculty

Sindelar, Kailan k.sindelar at unf.edu
Tue May 7 17:49:49 UTC 2024

Hello all,

I’m reaching out for some help as new faculty at an R2 with an R1 aspiration.

With the intention of moving toward R1, our university began hiring at a 2/2 load for all new tenure-track faculty this year. Our administration offered faculty hired within the last two years to opt into the 2/2 as well. I am one of two people in my department with this opportunity, and the opt-in has quickly moved toward “making a case” to our dean.

The difficulty in this situation is that there are no tenure and promotion guidelines for faculty on a 2/2 in our department (or at all in our university). Having evidence of R1 expectations across a department will be helpful when my colleague and I make our case. More importantly, they will help us make sure that standards are reasonable and equally applied between us.

If you teach at an R1 in an English Department, I would be extremely grateful if you could share tenure and promotion guidelines so that we may use them in meetings with our dean. Again, we are concerned with equitable treatment among faculty members and expectations that we may be held to in future tenure reviews as well as going forward in a PTR Florida climate. Any support you can provide would be extremely helpful.

Thank you!

Kailan Sindelar, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Technical Writing

Department of English | University of North Florida

k.sindelar at unf.edu<mailto:k.sindelar at unf.edu> | ksinpoint.com | she/her
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