[ATTW-L] #WORKSHOP Transforming Together: Co-Navigating the Work of WPA

Zhang, Jiaxin Jiaxin.Zhang at ttu.edu
Tue May 28 21:52:21 UTC 2024


WPA-GO's Mentoring Committee invites you to our first-ever Summer Workshop Series -- Transforming Together: Co-Navigating the Work of WPA.

These workshops are designed to provide a space for graduate students and early career professionals to discuss, problematize, and continue cultivating a literacy for writing program leadership. We are excited to welcome Drs. Iris Ruiz, Kristi Costello, and Ashley Beardsley as guest facilitators.

Registration is entirely free, and there are three exciting sessions to attend -- one on June 10, July 1, and August 5 -- though we recommend attending as many as you are able.

Please register for the workshop series here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfEPBFT8eDpY7y8Hf1Zf6NwFFJhZB4x6U844GS8oTvEhWG4FQ/viewform>. We encourage you to check out our homepage<https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/wpa-go-summer-workshop-series/about-the-workshops?authuser=1> for more information and contact Cody Bursch, mentoring committee chair, at bursc021 at umn.edu<mailto:bursc021 at umn.edu> with questions.

We have also attached flyers for the workshop series!

Thank you,
Jiaxin, on behalf of the WPA-GO Leadership Council

Jiaxin Zhang
Ph.D. Candidate, Technical Communication and Rhetoric
Instructor, ENGL 2311 Introduction to Technical Communication
Humanities (English & Philosophy) Building #409
Department of English, Texas Tech University
jiaxin.zhang at ttu.edu

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