[ATTW-L] CFP: 2nd Symposium on Applied Rhetoric

Jennifer Veltsos jenveltsos at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 19:23:41 UTC 2019

2019 Call for Proposals

Utah Valley Convention Center

Provo, Utah

May 24-25, 2019

Proposal deadline: February 28, 2019

To submit a proposal, visit http://tiny.cc/appliedrhetoric

During our first symposium in June 2018, the Applied Rhetoric Collaborative
(ARC) described a primary purpose of applied rhetoric as “being a force for
good in the world.” At this second symposium, we seek an interdisciplinary
group of scholars who practice, teach, and study applied rhetoric to
examine how this mission is enacted in our personal and professional lives.
We invite scholars of rhetoric and professional/business/technical
communication to join us to continue a conversation that defines applied
rhetoric and examines how rhetoricians of all types can work in public

The second Symposium on Applied Rhetoric focuses on actions, practices,
structures, ideas, tools, pedagogies, and theories of rhetoric in our
personal and professional lives. How do those of us in universities (one
type of community) collaborate with people in other communities to use,
create, and dispute rhetoric? How do practitioners use rhetoric to guide
their organizations and interact with clients or constituents? How does the
public use rhetoric to make change in their communities?

We seek presentations about the practice, pedagogy, and research of applied
rhetoric. Theory from all corners of the rhetorical world is welcome:
critical, digital, feminist, material, medical, multimodal, queer,
scientific, spatial, textual, visual, and more. The Applied Rhetoric
Collaborative is a living example of Bakhtin’s idea of heteroglossia: a
diversity of voices, perspectives, and interests. The thread that unites us
is a theoretical frame on rhetoric and an interest in applying it to
contemporary problems and projects.

We encourage presentations of all types, but ARC is specifically interested

   - Actions: Reporting on activities that use rhetoric to be a force for
   good in the world. Explaining what you did, how you did it, and how others
   could follow your lead.
   - Practices: Reporting on a document or product from an action out in
   the world. Explaining a document/product in its context, explaining what it
   is, how it came to be, and how it can be used/modified by others for
   similar work.
   - Ideas: Sharing an in-progress work. Celebrating in-process research on
   applied rhetoric, both on action and documents/products.
   - Structures: Explaining how to go about a type of project for someone
   who might be interested in doing so themselves
   - Pedagogies: Explaining a pedagogical project related to public-facing
   rhetorical action.
   - Theory: Traditional research talks/panels on civic, public, and local
   rhetorical issues or projects.

Pre-Symposium Digital Presentations

In addition to the traditional presentations at the symposium, we are
hosting a pre-symposium in which three panelists present their work in an
online video-conference forum. These presentations, fully a part of the
conference and included in the program, will allow an extension of the
applied rhetoric community throughout the year. It will also serve the goal
of limiting the number of concurrent sessions, so that the audiences for
each individual panel session are as large as possible from members of the
applied rhetoric community. The pre-symposium will be held on March 28,
2019, at 5:00 EST.

Symposium Schedule

Friday morning: Individual presentations in concurrent panels. All aspects
of applied rhetoric are welcome in these individual presentations. The
topics need not be specific to “civic, public, local.”

Friday afternoon: Plenary sessions where all attendees will attend
individual presentations about the topics of “civic, public, local.”

Saturday morning: Large group discussion to brainstorm applied rhetoric
opportunities, network for potential applied rhetoric collaborations, and
discuss ongoing goals for the organization in this emerging
interdisciplinary field.

Saturday afternoon: Plenary sessions where all attendees will attend
individual presentations about the topics of “civic, public, local.”

The outcome of the symposium will be a deeper network of rhetoricians
dedicated to the practice of applied rhetoric and further development of
the Applied Rhetoric Collaborative organization.

Jennifer R. Veltsos
Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Associate Professor, Technical Communication Program
Department of English
Minnesota State University, Mankato
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