[ATTW-L] #EthicalHiring: Is Your University Making Plans to Hire This Fall?

Eric Stephens esteph5 at g.clemson.edu
Sun May 31 17:36:28 UTC 2020

The academic job market is *broken*. HireHigherEd.org
<http://hirehighered.org/> wants to fix it.

It takes months longer to find a candidate than industry because we rely on
antiquated job search practices, and the process is emotionally grueling.

*Let's change the academic job market system by eliminating it. *

*If you're hiring, consider changing how you hire!*

What if there wasn't a separate market?

What if you had been trained from day one of grad school on how to network
on LinkedIn where all the industry jobs are too?

What if you didn't need to rely on the letters of 3 or 4 gatekeepers--but
the collective recommendation of the strength of your network?

What if a university had to compete to recruit for you with a Fortune 500?

How much would you be worth?

More than $40k teaching a 5/5/5 between two universities?


Why *isn't* it like that?

Let's revolutionize academia.

Eric James Stephens, PhD
Founder, HireHigherEd.org
HireHigherEd at gmail.com
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