[ATTW-L] [Cross-posted] State of the art in classroom research—professional writing

Brian Larson brian at tendallarson.com
Tue Apr 20 20:07:52 UTC 2021

Howdy, folks!
I have a colleague at another school who is interested in doing *classroom
research in their professional (legal) writing classroom*. They are
law-trained, but not trained in a graduate program, and have limited
resources in other departments (rhet/comp, TC, WS) at their uni. Though I
very much value classroom research, it is not my gig personally. I have
resources from when I read it in grad school, but that's some 10 years ago

I'd very much welcome any recommendations for state-of-the art treatments
in this sort of context from the last 10 years, with particular attention

   - Research ethics.
   - Study design.
   - Survey/questionnaire research.
   - Qualitative interviewing.

Reply on list or privately. I'll summarize all that I learn from all y'all
in the next seven days and share it back when I forward to my colleague.
*Brian N. Larson, J.D., Ph.D.* ("he" "him" etc.)
Associate Professor, *Texas A&M University School of Law*
Texas A&M University Arts & Humanities Fellow
Scholarship (Bepress) <https://works.bepress.com/brian-larson/> (SSRN)
<https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2017167> |
Blogging @ www.Rhetoricked.com
Personal/research email: brian at tendallarson.com
Email for TAMU student and official matters: blarson at tamu.edu
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