ATTW Constitution

The Association of Teachers of Technical Writing




The name of the organization shall be The Association of Teachers of Technical Writing.



This organization is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law) or (b) by a corporation contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law).

The primary purposes of the organization shall be to

  • Encourage and provide support for the teaching and research of technical writing & communication;
  • Provide means of communication for teachers and researchers in the field of technical writing & communication at the national and international levels;
  • Support initiatives that will ensure diversity in all its forms—including race, ethnicity, gender orientation, age, religious affiliation, and social class—in the discipline of technical writing & communication;
  • Disseminate information on the discipline of technical writing & communication to the greater academic community and to the public at large;
  • Provide liaisons with other scholarly and professional organizations to foster exchange of ideas and provide additional support and resources to the discipline and profession;
  • Provide timely announcement of meetings, workshops, and other activities related to the advancement of the profession and discipline; and
  • Ensure that the organization’s official journal is produced, published, and distributed to members.



Membership shall be open to any individual or institution interested in supporting the purposes identified in Article II. In any case, membership shall be open to any person without regard to race, ethnicity, gender orientation, age, religious affiliation, and social class.



Elected Officers

The organization’s elected officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, and three Members-at-Large. Each elected officer shall serve a three-year term of office. Neither the President nor the Vice President shall be nominated for consecutive terms in their respective offices.

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the organization shall consist of the elected officers: President, Vice-President, three Members-at-Large, and the two immediate past presidents; and six appointed members, which are the Executive Secretary, the Treasurer, the Editor of the Journal, Book Series Editor, Conference Coordinator/Fundraiser, and the Information Officer/Website Editor. These members shall be appointed by the President upon receiving approval of a majority of the Executive Committee (excluding the votes of those appointed members of the committee who may be eligible for reappointment to these appointive offices).

Officers’ Duties

The duties of the organization’s officers shall be as follows:

The President shall

1.     Serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the organization;
2.     Chair the Executive Committee;
3.     Preside at all meetings scheduled for the conduct of the organization’s business/affairs;
4.     Represent the organization at all official functions;
5.     Present all matters of organizational operations and business to the Executive Committee for its information and/or approval;
6.     Submit all proposals for the expenditure of organizational funds in amounts exceeding $250.00 to the Executive Committee for approval;
7.     Appoint individuals and committees as needed to conduct the business/affairs of the organization in an efficient and timely manner; and shall
8.     Act as a liaison along with the Treasurer between the organization and the company (or companies) that produces the journal and the book series, and that collects the membership dues.

The Vice President shall

1.     Perform all duties and functions requested by the President;
2.     Perform all duties and functions of the President when the President is incapacitated;
3.     Chair the Nominating Committee; and shall
4.     Serve on the Executive Committee.

The Members-at-Large shall

1.     Perform all duties and functions requested by the President or the Executive Committee through the President; and
2.     Serve on the Executive Committee.

The Two Immediate Past Presidents shall

1.     Serve in an advisory capacity to the President and the Executive Committee; and shall
2.     Serve on the Executive Committee.

The Executive Secretary shall

1.     Maintain all official records of the organization;
2.     Obtain and monitor the membership roster;
3.     Maintain the organization’s official list of active committees;
4.     At the President’s request, conduct the organization’s election of officers (including production, distribution, and tallying of ballots and reporting election results to the President in timely fashion);
5.     Take and archive the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee and the organization; and shall
6.     Serve on the Executive Committee.

The Treasurer shall

1.     Responsibly and ethically manage and oversee organizational assets and all financial aspects of the organization;
2.     Review and advise the organization’s Executive Committee on the financial aspects of all contracts and proposals;
3.     Work with a financial advisor to invest the organization’s money and to monitor and ensure the overall financial health of the organization
4.     Supervise and work with a bookkeeper to manage and keep in order the organization’s financial records;
5.     Oversee the preparation and filing of taxes;
6.     Manage the conference budget and oversee the process of invoicing and receiving payment from all sponsors;
7.     Prepare and submit to the President and Executive Committee annual financial reports and prepare and present a financial report annually to the organization’s membership.
8.     Advise on and recommend appropriate membership dues and conference fees to the Executive and Conference Committees.

The Editor of the official journal shall

1.     Under the guidance of the President and the Executive committee, produce, publish, and distribute to the membership (and maintain the archives of) the organization’s official journal (including selection of articles, solicitation of advertisements) in a timely and cost efficient manner;
2.     In every case submit information on the following matters to the President for the review and approval of the Executive Committee:

  • A proposed annual budget;
  • Proposals to change constituency of the editorial boards;
  • A semi-annual financial report;
  • Requests for approval to commit organizational funds for proposed expenditures; and
  • Requests for approval to undertake any significant change in the make-up, production, or distribution of the journal.

The Editor of the book series shall

1. Under the guidance of the President and the Executive Committee, produce and publish books across three general categories: scholarly books (including edited collections), textbooks, and handbooks.
2. Solicit proposals and manuscripts, and work with an editorial board to vet and review those proposals and manuscripts.
3. Coordinate with a publisher to produce and distribute the books.
4. In every case submit information on the following matters to the President for the review and approval of the Executive Committee:

  • A proposed annual budget;
  • Proposals to change constituency of the editorial boards;
  • A semi-annual financial report;
  • Requests for approval to commit organizational funds for proposed expenditures.

The Conference Coordinator/Fundraiser shall

1.     Develop fundraising options and set goals for fundraising, working directly with the Executive Committee to determine funding needs for each annual conference;
2.     Solicit and maintain sustainable relationships with sponsors, donors, and advertisers in order to support conference and organizational activities;
3.     Make and oversee local arrangements at each annual convention site, including room reservations, catering, and price negotiation; and shall
4.     Coordinate with the Treasurer to ensure that 1) the Treasurer is aware of expenses that the organization may have to pay upfront and 2) the organization has the funds available for the conference.

The Information Officer/Website Editor shall

1.      Provide and implement a strategic and technical vision for effective and sustainable communications across the organization, which includes

a. Developing multiple avenues for membership participation and communication such as ATTW listserv, ATTW Bulletin/Blog, and social media venues.
b. Keeping all elements of the current website functional and secure;
c. Coordinate with a social media coordinator appointed in consultation with the Executive Committee.

2.     Assist all of the association’s publication editors (e.g., the editors of the journal and book series) to coordinate organizational publications, announcements, and other materials;
3.     Assist the annual conference organizers with coordinating program materials, the proposal submission and review system, the conference registration system, and other conference-planning documents;
4.     Work with the Treasurer and vendors (such as publishers) to ensure that online financial transactions (e.g., purchase or renewal of memberships) are usable by the entire membership;
5.     Assist the Executive Committee, SIGs, and other committee chairs to coordinate a variety of administrative documents; and shall
6.    Report to the Executive Committee on a regular basis regarding status of all communication systems. A brief progress report should be sent to the Executive Committee annually.

The Executive Committee, as defined in this Article, shall exercise the right to act on behalf of the organization’s membership in the conduct of the organization’s routine functions and activities not precluded by other Articles of this constitution.



The organization shall meet at least once annually at a place and time announced by the President, with prior approval of the Executive Committee.



No part of the net earning of the organization shall inure benefit of, or be distributed to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.


Membership dues shall be negotiated and decided upon by members of the Executive Committee in collaboration with the current publisher of the journal. The dues shall be documented in a contract between ATTW and the publisher of the journal.


Nominations and Elections

Nomination of Candidates

At the request of the President, the Vice President will form a Nominating Committee which consists of at least five persons in addition to the Vice President. As Chair of the Nominating Committee, the Vice President will present a proposed slate of nominees to the Executive Committee for its review, emendation, and approval in timely fashion. The slate of nominees forwarded by the Nominating Committee will include

  • One candidate for the office of President (the Vice President shall normally be nominated to run unopposed for this position);
  • Two candidates for the office of Vice President; and
  • Six candidates for the three member-at-large positions.

In the event the incumbent Vice President is not available for nomination to the Office of President, the Nominating Committee will nominate two candidates for this position as well.

Election of Officers

The President, upon receiving the Executive Committee’s approved slate of nominees, will request the Executive Secretary to conduct the organization’s biennial election. (See Article IV.)


Electronic balloting will be open and available for thirty days to all current members of record to insure that a majority of all members will have sufficient time to vote. Voting will close no later than thirty calendar days before the announced date of the organization’s annual meeting.

Reporting Results

Immediately upon completing the official tally, the Executive Secretary shall report the election results to the President, and assure that the President has in hand a copy of the results no later than fourteen days before the date of the annual convention.

Determining Candidates-Elect.

Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates receiving a simple majority of votes tallied shall be considered candidates-elect. The three Member-at-Large candidates who receive the highest numbers of tallied votes will be considered candidates-elect.

Announcing Results.

Upon receipt of election results the President shall immediately contact each candidate-elect and encourage each to attend the conference and the annual Executive Committee meeting. New officers shall assume office at the end of the Executive Committee meeting. The outgoing President will officially announce to the membership the names of the newly elected officers.


Constitutional Amendment

This constitution shall be amendable by a two-thirds majority of those current members of record who vote electronically by the date specified in pertinent correspondence as the Amendment Vote Deadline Date. This would normally be thirty days after members are notified on the amendment by email.



Upon the dissolution of the organization, the Executive Committee shall, after payment of all the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all of the assets of the organization exclusively for the purposes of the organization in such manner, or to such organization or organizations and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue, Law), as the Executive Committee shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the County in which the principal officer of the Association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.


Parliamentary Authority

All official meetings of the organization shall be conducted according to the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure by Alice B. Sturgis. The presiding officer may appoint a parliamentarian to advise the assembly at each annual meeting.


—Revised March 2018