Call for Applications: ATTW Information Officer/ Communications Team

ATTW’s Executive Committee requests applications for ATTW’s Information Officer and Communications Team, which should consist of Website Editor(s) and a Social Media Coordinator, to begin May 15, 2019.

ATTW’s Information Officer and Communications Team will assist ATTW by guiding our use of networked resources to enable the continued growth and development of the organization. The technical and creative work required in the position also offers opportunities for, and may contribute to, the applicant’s digital research agenda.

Parties interested should send the following by April 15, 2019 to Michelle Eble at

  • letter of application responding to the needs noted in the following description,
  • vita, and
  • a letter of support from the applicant’s administration (department chair and/or dean); release time and graduate student assistance is welcome but not required. (ATTW will provide up to $3,000 for graduate students per year, if needed).

The ATTW Information Officer/Website Editor will have the following duties:

The Information Officer/Website Editor will serve as a leader in the ATTW organization and will have the opportunity to shape the direction of ATTW by leveraging internet technologies.  This officer should understand new trends and possibilities on the internet and make recommendations to the Executive Committee to guide the organization’s decisions about its web and social media presence. The Executive Committee is committed to providing feedback and support for the work of this officer and welcomes the active development of new content strategy. The office should work with their team members to implement strategies and solutions and foster collaborations that take advantage of what current technologies have to offer. In the recent past, these have included making new services available to our members via social networking, collaborative authorship with open source projects, and integration of web services through APIs. Developments that coincide with the editor’s personal research agenda are particularly encouraged.

Website Development

  • Develop and expand site content as needed. Work with ATTW committee chairs and the executive committee (including book series and journal editors) to update content. Update functional aspects of the site as needed or as upgrades become available.
  • Assist ATTW in using its website and social media to better engage members, enhance participation, and grow the organization’s value as a professional resource. Recommend and implement new ways to enable interaction on the website and find ways to expand existing means of interaction.

Website Maintenance

  • Maintain critical functions on the ATTW website. These include, especially, Bulletin/Blog, TCQ, ATTW Book Series, and Conference pages. These also include “commercial” aspects of the site, such as interactions that facilitate conference proposal and review, registration, and payment. These functions involve the ability to work with external partners and vendors to facilitate usable and useful experiences for our members.
  • Maintain site integrity and security. This includes keeping all the software and plugins for a given web CMS platform current, updating all critical security patches, etc.
  • Collaborate with the conference program chair(s), conference coordinator, and ATTW’s secretary and treasurer to coordinate the proposal submission system, registration system, conference web pages and other materials as outlined in the conference planning calendar.

Committee and Officer Liaison

  • Serve on the ATTW Executive Committee and report to the Executive Committee on a regular basis regarding website maintenance and status. A brief progress report should be sent to the Executive Committee annually.
  • Collaborate with other ATTW entities and work with them to develop website content and functionalities that meet their needs.
  • Collaborate with the Bulletin/Blog, TCQ, and ATTW Book Series editors to meet their needs. Help them to improve existing features and develop new features of the publications.
  • Collaborate with the ATTW treasurer and other officers, as needed, on development of registration and membership aspects of the site and on any other issues involving payment or articulation with Taylor & Francis.

Membership Development
Find and implement ways to use the website as a marketing and promotional tool for the organization.

Communication Technologies
Administer the ATTW-L and ExComm-L listservs and ATTW email account.

Social Media Liaison

  • Work with social media coordinator(s) of ATTW social network sites.
  • Work to develop collaboration with non-ATTW social media and web-based endeavors relevant to ATTW members.

The ATTW web editor should have the following qualifications:

Web Design Experience

  • Advanced knowledge of current web authoring technologies including html and CSS.
  • Knowledge of current web design standards, including web accessibility.
  • Understanding of user experience (UX) quality standards and best practices.

Knowledge of Software

  • Advanced knowledge of and experience with relevant content management systems. The web editor is expected to be proficient in WordPress.
  • Ability and willingness to critically evaluate software, vendor services, and platforms and to make changes when needed.

Familiarity with the ATTW Organization

Be a member of ATTW in good standing and be familiar with the organization and its members.

The ATTW web editor should meet the following parameters and expectations:

The web editor position is a 2-year term with opportunity for renewal.

Like the organization’s journal editor, the web editor is expected to be the primary person fulfilling the duties listed above. Qualified graduate and undergraduate students may assist in technical duties that do not include access to any personal information about members, such as conference proposal reviews and financial records, or proprietary financial information about the organization; however, the web editor should provide oversight and assume responsibility for any student-completed tasks. Accountability will rest with the web editor.

The ATTW Social Media Coordinator will have the following duties:

  1. Manage social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and other sites as needed
  2. Respond to queries on these sites
  3. Schedule regular announcements and updates to run on these sites
  4. Keep data on reach & engagement (e.g., Facebook likes, reach for posts, etc.)
  5. Select social media curators to tweet and post about the annual conference
  6. Promote engagement on Twitter and other sites before, during, and after the conference (e.g., ask participants to use the #attwcon hashtag)
  7. Work closely with the Web Editor to effectively advertise ATTW messages
  8. Share other resources relevant to membership (e.g., CFPs, news stories, etc.)
  9. Archive conference tweets using the #attwcon hashtag (using Hawksey or another service)
  10. Maintain security of accounts through selecting and managing strong passwords